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一九八一年六月二十日近两年来,各地供销社根据党的十一届三中全会精神,全面地开展了贸易货栈业务,到一九八○年底,全国供销社系统在农副产品集散地、交通枢纽和大中城市,已恢复建立县以上贸易货栈一千九百五十二个。一九八○年货栈经营总额二十五亿元,取得了较好的成绩。这对疏通商品流通渠道、减少经营环节,拾遗补缺、调剂有无,活跃城乡和地区之间的物资交流,平抑市场物价,促进生产的发展,都起了积极的作用。在贸易货栈的业务活动中,也还存在一些问题:有些货栈经营思想不够端正,片面追求利润,重大商品轻小商品,重畅销商品轻滞销商品,重跨行业商品轻归口经营的商品,忽视三类农副产品的推销,坚持“四代”为主的经营方式不够;有的地区货栈设置重叠,一地多栈。在货栈自身建设上,还存在资金、房屋、仓库不足等困难。目前已恢复和建立的县以上贸易货栈数量已经不少,今后应着重整顿提高,充分发挥货栈的作用。为了进一步把贸易货栈办好,经调查研究,并在部分省供销社主任座谈会和部分省、市、自治区供销社货栈调查座谈会上讨论,拟定了《供销社贸易货栈管理试行办法》。现将这个办法印发各地,请参照试行,在试行中有什么问题和意见,望随时告诉我们。 In the past two years, June 20th, 1981, local supply and marketing cooperatives carried out a comprehensive trading warehouse business in accordance with the spirit of the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee. By the end of 1980, the National Supply and Marketing Cooperative System was in agricultural and sideline products. Distribution centers, transportation hubs and large and medium-sized cities have restored 1,952 trading warehouses above the county level. In 1980, the total operating volume of the warehouse was 2.5 billion yuan, which achieved good results. This has played a positive role in clearing commodity circulation channels, reducing business links, making up for vacancies, adjusting the availability of supplies, activating exchanges of goods and materials between urban and rural areas and regions, stabilizing market prices, and promoting the development of production. In the business activities of the trading warehouse, there are still some problems: Some warehouses do not have correct business ideas, one-sided pursuit of profits, major merchandise light merchandise, re-selling merchandise light merchandise, cross-industry merchandise at the mercy of the goods, ignoring three categories The marketing of agricultural and sideline products insists that the “four generations”-based business model is not sufficient; in some areas, warehouse stacks overlap, and there are multiple stacks in one place. In the construction of the warehouse itself, there are also difficulties such as lack of funds, housing, and warehouses. The number of trading warehouses above the county level that has been restored and established is already large. In the future, it should focus on rectification and improvement and give full play to the role of the warehouse. In order to further improve the trading of goods, after investigation and research, and in some provinces and supply and marketing cooperatives and symposia, and some provinces, municipalities, autonomous regions and supply and marketing cooperatives warehouse discussion discussion, drafted a “sales and supply cooperatives trading warehouse management pilot approach.” This method is being printed and distributed throughout the country. Please refer to the trial. We have any questions or comments on the trial. Let us know at any time.