
来源 :佳木斯医学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tenhuanggou
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患者,李某,女20岁,学生,于12岁时经常反复剧烈咳嗽、发热、咯脓痰,在当地医院以“肺炎”多次住院抗炎治疗。3年前因高热、呼吸困难,诊断为急性脓胸在当地住院治疗,经胸腔闭式引流排出大量脓汁好转出院,但乃经常咳嗽、咯脓痰。1年前在省内某大医院经纤维支气管镜检查见右肺上叶支气管开口通畅,中间支气管内有肉芽组织及脓汁。组织活检报告为炎症。1994年7月15日来我院求治,门诊以右肺中下叶不张收入院。查体:气管轻度右移,肋间隙变窄,胸廓塌陷,右肺下部呼吸音消失,叩诊浊音,左肺无异常所见。胸部 X 线片示右肺中 Patients, Lee, female 20 years old, students, often severe coughing, fever, purulent sputum at 12 years old, in the local hospital with “pneumonia” repeatedly hospitalized anti-inflammatory treatment. 3 years ago due to fever, difficulty breathing, diagnosis of acute empyema in the local hospital treatment, closed drainage through the thoracic drainage of a large number of pus improved discharge, but often cough, purulent sputum. A year ago in a large hospital in the province by fiberoptic bronchoscopy see the right upper lobe bronchial patency, the middle bronchial granulation tissue and pus. Tissue biopsy is reported as inflammation. July 15, 1994 came to our hospital for treatment, out-patient to the right lower lobe of the right lung without admission hospital. Physical examination: mild tracheal right shift, narrowed intercostal space, collapse of the thorax, lower right lung breath sounds disappear, percussion dullness, no abnormalities seen in the left lung. Chest X-ray shows the right lung
来到联合会和商会所在地,高鼻子蓝眼睛的哥迪姆秘书长和高露丝女士一口流利的中文,一下拉近了我们的距离。 Came to the Federation and the Chamber of Commerce location,
In this work, the excited states of the title compounds are calculated by using time- dependent density functional theory (TDDFT). Firstly, the variation of the
“吃”的是氢气 “吐”的是水 “Eat” is hydrogen “spit” is water