Animals in life and works

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Many learners have made researches on animal words. Because animals have been keeping a good relationship with human beings since the human were born. So animals are important in daily life, they are also used in many works to express the Author’s thoughts.This thesis aims to investigate the overall relationship between ecology and Gary Snyder’s poetry and poetics. The American poet Gary Snyder, known as one of the Beat Generation, draws attention to the healing and recuperation while the others overthrow and reject everything. Snyder is also regarded as the Poet Laureate of deep ecology for his great contribution to deep ecology movement.Pride and prejudice took the Britain of the end of the 18 th century as the background. In this paper, three marriage cases of young men and young ladies and a representative madam are taken as the typical examples to research and discuss.The novel “Vanity fair” is the masterpiece of William Makepeace Thackeray, in which the author illustrates that the life of upper-class aristocratic capitalists in the 19 th century. The lives of people are related to money and reputation. They are likely to try whichever means to fulfill their longings even most of them are bad ones. Through a series of comprehensive research and analysis, this novel is aimed to reveal those bad natures of the people under the background of the development of capitalism.This essay is about mythological criticism reflected in Eugene O’Neill’s play-The Hairy Ape. The Hairy Ape documents the downward spiral of a fireman who works on a ship during the period of industrial prosperity in capitalist society. In fact, his degeneration is the miniature of the whole people of that age. Mythological criticism, especially the Jungian psychology and his archetypal insights, will help to understand how the theme is conveyed. Many animals have made researches on animal words. Because animals have been keeping a good relationship with human beings since the human were born. So animals are important in daily life, they are also used in many works to express the Author’s thoughts. to investigate the overall relationship between ecology and Gary Snyder’s poetry and poetics. The American poet Gary Snyder, known as one of the Beat Generation, draws attention to the healing and recuperation while the others overthrow and reject everything. Snyder is also regarded as the Poet Laureate of deep ecology for his great contribution to deep ecology movement .Pride and prejudice took the Britain of the end of the 18 th century as the background. In this paper, three marriage cases of young men and young ladies and a representative madam are taken as the typical examples to research and discuss.The novel “Vanity fair ” is the masterpiece of William Makepeace Thackeray, in which the author indicates that the life of upper-class aristocratic capitalists in the 19th th. The lives of people are related to money and reputation. They are likely to try whichever means to fulfill their longings even most of them are bad ones. Through a series of comprehensive research and analysis, this novel is aimed to reveal those bad natures of the people under the background of the development of capitalism.This essay is about mythological criticism reflected in Eugene O’Neill’s play-The Hairy Ape. The Hairy Ape documents the downward spiral of a fact of the miniature of the whole people of that age. Mythological criticism, especially the Jungian psychology and his archetypal insights, will help to understand how the theme is conveyed.
【摘要】初中是英语阅读教学的基础阶段,重在激发学生对英语阅读的兴趣。现就初中英语阅读存在的一些问题进行浅要的探讨,并提出一套可行的初中英语阅读课堂教学模式,以期为同行有所借鉴。  【关键词】初中英语阅读 问题 教学模式  一、前言  阅读在英语学习中很重要,学会阅读是打好英语基础的前提,因为很多知识都是从阅读开始的。譬如阅读可以增加英语语言知识,可以扩大词汇量,对口语能力的提高、写作能力的发展也大
【摘要】习语是语言的精华,其翻译对文化传播意义重大。理论界存在着两种翻译策略——归化与异化,它们并不矛盾,只是取向不同,重要的是如何恰当选择。本文在归化与异化的理论基础上,分析两者在习语翻译中的具体运用并得出结论。  【关键词】归化 异化 习语翻译  一、归化与异化的理论基础  不同学者对归化与异化有不同观点:归化的代表人物是尤金·奈达,异化的代表人物是劳伦斯·韦努蒂。  1.尤金·奈达的功能对等
【摘要】翻译是两种语言之间语义的转换,翻译的过程包括理解、表达和审校三个方面,在这三方面中,初学者在进行英汉翻译实践中都会出现较多相似问题。找到这些问题,并且有意识地进行改正,会有效提高英汉翻译实践水平。  【关键词】翻译 理解 表达  翻译的过程主要分为三部分:第一步,理解,是指忠实于原文,准确透彻地理解原文;第二步,表达,是指通顺地将原文的语义传达给读者;第三步,审校,即为确保译文的质量,对原
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【摘要】随着当代中学的教学进程不断改革,英语教学要求对学生阅读能力培养及写作能力的训练有效结合也势在必行。文章主要论述了当下我国初中英语教学存在的问题,并就初中英语阅读和写作的关系展开分析,立足于初中英语阅读和写作的有效结合途径进行分析。  【关键词】初中教学 阅读策略 写作技巧  英语的学习在于理解和应用,读、写在英语教学中扮演着重要角色,教师就应着力培养初中的阅读和写作能力,让阅读与写作能有机
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