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密切联系群众的作风,是指党的各级组织和党员要和党内外群众结合在一起,密切党与人民群众的关系,一切为了群众、一刻也不脱离群众的作风。密切联系群众,是我们党在长期革命、建设和改革实践中形成并一贯坚持的优良传统和作风,也是我们党取得一切胜利的力量源泉和基本保证。党的密切联系群众的作风,是由党的性质决定的。中国共产党是工人阶级的先锋队,同时是中国人民和中华民族的先锋队,代表最广大人民 The style of working closely with the masses means that the organizations and party members at all levels in the party should be integrated with the masses both inside and outside the party and closer with the relations between the party and the masses of the people. Everything for the masses must not be divorced from the style of the masses. Close contact with the masses is an excellent tradition and style that our party has formed and consistently adhered to in its long-term revolution, construction and reform practice and is also the source of strength and the basic guarantee for our party in gaining all its victories. The party’s style of working closely with the masses is determined by the nature of the party. The Chinese Communist Party is the vanguard of the working class. At the same time, the Chinese Communist Party is the vanguard of the Chinese people and the Chinese nation, representing the majority of the people.
目的:探讨线粒体ATP敏感钾通道(mitochondrial ATP-sensitive potassium channel,mitoKATP)对高氧诱导人肺泡上皮细胞凋亡的保护作用。方法:以人肺泡上皮A549细胞为研究对象,体
癫痫(epilepsy, EP)是以脑神经元过度同步放电引起反复痫性发作为特征的慢性反复发作性短暂脑功能失调综合征,是神经系统常见疾病之一。药物难治性癫痫占癫痫患者的20%-40%,
目的:脑出血(Intracerebral hemorrhage,ICH)是严重危害人类生命安全的难治性疾病之一,具有高致死率和高致残率。尽管到现阶段,脑出血的病理机制研究已经取得了巨大的进步,但是目前
The cultivated area in artificial oases is deeply influenced by global climate change and human activities.Thus,forecasting cultivated area in artificial oases
介绍了一种用于提升设备的新型防坠、防■罐装置,即用液压缓冲装置代替目前用的钢丝全绳摩擦式缓冲器,并阐述了其工作原理及设计要点。 A new type of anti-fall and anti-tan