
来源 :湖南中学物理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cx8105
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由于受“并联电路中干路电流与支路电流的关系”和“能量守恒定律”的影响,有不少人在求干路中交变电流的有效值时,想当然地认为“干路中交变电流的有效值就等于各支路中电流的有效值之和”或“干路中交变电流通过某一电阻产生的热量就等于各支路中电流的有效值分别通过同一电阻在相同时间内产生的热量之和”。而实际上这两种观点仅仅是干路中交变电流与各支路电流有效值之间的两种特殊关系。下面以两个支路为例进行说明。设通过支路一的交流电的瞬时值为i_1,通过支路二的交流电的瞬时值为i_2,则通过干路的交流电 Due to the influence of the “relationship between the trunk current and the branch current in the parallel circuit” and the “conservation of energy”, many people take it for granted that when they find the effective value of the alternating current in the trunk, “The effective value of the alternating current in the trunk is equal to the sum of the effective value of the current in each branch” or the heat generated by the alternating current in the trunk through a certain resistance is equal to the effective value of the current in each branch. The sum of heat generated by the same resistor at the same time. In fact, these two viewpoints are just two special relations between the alternating current in the trunk and the RMS current of each branch. The following uses two branches as an example. Set the instantaneous value of the alternating current through branch 1 to i_1, the instantaneous value of the alternating current through branch 2 to i_2, and then pass the alternating current of the trunk
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她的手轻轻地搭在方向盘上,外面下着小雨。收音机正转到一个不知台名的台上,流淌出来的是安静讨好的古典小提琴曲。  前面是隧道,车流如水,汇集入洞。  “各位亲爱的听众,人生最重要的事其实只有两件,那就是……”  主持人的声音向来饱满洪亮,何况她正在义正词严地宣布这项真理。  她其实也愿意听听这项真理,可是,这里是隧道,全程五百米,要四十秒钟才走得出去,隧道里面信號断了,收音机只会嗡嗡地响。她忽然烦起