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(一) 关于章学诚的档案学思想,曾经有人撰文论述过。我以为,还有进一步系统和深入研究的必要。章学诚(1738-1801),字实斋,是清代干嘉年间的一位历史学家和方志学家。章氏一生致力于史学的研究、地方志的编修和方志学的研究。他在史学研究和方志学的研究中,对档案和档案工作做了许多论述。这些论述反映在他的《文史通义》一书的许多篇章中。章学诚对档案和档案工作的论述,形成了他的档案学思想。章学诚的档案学思想同他的史学思想和方志学思想,有密切的联系,甚至可以说他的档案学思想就是他的史学思想和方志学思想的一部分。 (二) 章学诚的档案学思想,可以归纳为三个方面: 一、章学诚档案学思想的第一个内容是,他认为档案是统治阶级活动的记录,是最真实可靠的史料。 (A) of Zhang Xuecheng’s archival thinking, there have been articles written about. I think there is a need for further systematic and in-depth research. Zhang Xuecheng (1738-1801), the word real vegetarian, is a historian and chronicler in the Qing Dynasty Qianlong. Zhang’s life devoted himself to the study of history, the compilation of local records and the study of chronicles. He made many expositions on the work of archives and archives in the study of history and chinadical studies. These expositions are reflected in many chapters of his “literary history”. Zhang Xuecheng’s work on archives and archives has formed his archival theory. Zhang Xuecheng’s archival thinking is closely related to his historiographical and dialectical thoughts, and his archival thinking can even be said to be part of his historiographical and dialectical thoughts. (2) Zhang Xuecheng’s archival theory can be summarized into three aspects: First, Zhang Xuecheng’s first element of his archival thinking is that he believes that archives are records of ruling class activities and are the most authentic and reliable historical materials.
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