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互动教学模式是一种面向全体学生,以“自主、合作、探究”的学习方式代替传统的被动、独立和接受式学习的教学模式。这个过程通过调节师生关系及其相互作用,形成和谐的师生互动、生生互动、学习个体与教学中介的互动,使每一位学生都能在课堂上有所收获。一、互动式教学激发了学生的学习兴趣学生对学习内容产生了兴趣,就能主动地把认识指向和集中于学习的对象。教学中,根据不同内容的特点,教师可采取不同的导入方法,选好切入点,设疑激趣,培养学生的问题意识、主体参与意识。教育活动是师生间生命与生命的沟通;教学过程则是动态发展的教与学统一的交互活动。为了提高课堂效果,师生互动中,通常教师要抓住“巧、新、奇”三字。“巧”就是利用学生熟知的事物或知识切入教学,让学生感到亲切自然又有兴趣。“新” The interactive teaching mode is a kind of teaching mode which is aimed at all students and replaces the traditional passive, independent and receptive learning mode with the learning mode of “autonomy, cooperation and inquiry”. In this process, through the adjustment of the relationship between teachers and students and their interaction, a harmonious interaction between teachers and students can be formed, interaction between students and students can be realized, and interaction between individuals and teaching agents can be learned so that every student can benefit from the class. First, interactive teaching stimulated interest in learning Students interested in learning content, we can take the initiative to point to and focus on learning to understand the object. Teaching, according to the characteristics of different content, teachers can take a different approach to import, select the entry point, set doubts and excitement, cultivate students’ problem awareness, the main part of the sense of participation. Educational activities are the communication of life and life between teachers and students; the teaching process is a dynamic interaction between teaching and learning. In order to improve the classroom effect, teachers and students interact, usually teachers should seize “clever, new, odd ” words. “Qiao ” is to use the students familiar things or knowledge into the teaching, so that students feel warm and interested in natural. “new”
老孙又美滋滋地赴宴去,这是他戒酒后第九次赢得同事的宴请,说起老孙戒酒还真有不少波折。 老孙是我们兖矿集团唐村实业公司生产服务队的一名普通职工。他喝了30多年酒,骂了2
张邱建,北魏清河(今邢台市清河县)人,约公元5世纪,著名的大数学家。他从小聪明好学,酷爱算术。一生从事数学研究,造诣很深。著有《张邱建算经》3卷。后世学者北周甄鸾、唐 Z