淡泊名利心怀物理 叶落归根情系祖国——纪念吴健雄先生诞辰95周年

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吴健雄(1912-1997)是当代伟大的实验物理学家,享有“中国居里夫人”的美誉。她全心致力于物理学研究,在她的科学生涯中取得了非凡的成就。她在β衰变实验研究方面造诣很深,堪称这个领域的第一人;她第一个用实验验证了李政道和杨振宁的理论预言——弱作用中宇称不守恒;她第一个用实验证明了弱矢量流守恒定律。她一生获得过许多荣誉,1975年担任美国物理学会会长,1975年获得美国总统授予的国家科学勋章,1978年获得第一届Wolf奖。吴健雄1936年赴美留学,从此一直旅居国外,但是她身在海外心系中华,非常关心祖国的科学和教育事业。她多次回国访问讲学,并用自己的积蓄设立基金,对祖国的许多学校、研究所给予了各种的支持和帮助。吴健雄先生淡泊名利、心无杂念、知难而上、坚忍不拔地追求真理的科学精神,以及她的崇高的爱国情怀让我们永远怀念。今年适逢吴健雄先生诞辰95周年,6月,在她的故乡太仓召开了纪念座谈会,本刊在此将会上的部分发言整理刊登以为纪念。 Wu Jianxiong (1912-1997) is a great experimental physicist of the present age and enjoys the title of “Lady Curie of China”. Her dedication to physics research has led to extraordinary accomplishments in her scientific career. Her deep knowledge of β-decay experiments is the first person in the field; she first validated the theoretical predictions of Li Zhengdao and Yang Zhenning through experiments - the weakness in which parity is not conserved; The experiment proves the law of conservation of weak vector flow. She has won many honors throughout her life. In 1975, she was President of the American Physical Society and in 1975 won the National Medal of Science awarded by the President of the United States. In 1978 she won the first Wolf Award. Wu Jianxiong went to the United States in 1936 to study in the United States, has been living abroad, but she is a Chinese overseas, is very concerned about the motherland’s science and education. She visited China many times to give lectures and used her savings to set up a fund to give her various kinds of support and assistance to many schools and research institutes in the motherland. Mr. Wu Jianxiong, indifferent to fame and fortune, heartless distractions, knowledgeable, perseverance to pursue the scientific spirit of truth, and her noble patriotic feelings so that we miss forever. This year coincides with the 95th anniversary of Mr. Wu Jianxiong’s birthday. In June, a commemorative forum was held in Taicang, her hometown, and some articles of this magazine will be collated to commemorate this anniversary.
涡阳县是全国商品粮基地县、全国十佳秸秆养牛示范县、全国首批 50个生态示范区建设试点县之一。近年来 ,随着农村经济的发展 ,人民生活的改善 ,农业结构调整的逐步深入和机
特点 掺Sn的InP衬底上生长In_(0.53)Ga_(0.47)As液相外延材料,正面光注入型台式结构,Zn扩散形成PN结.用途 光纤通讯 Features In_ (0.53) Ga_ (0.47) As liquid-phase epita
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本文希望通过对这种 VHF 脉冲吞除可变分频器的组成及工作原理的阐述,并给出一个具体实例,着重说明采用这种电路编制程序的设计问题。 In this paper, we hope to elaborate