
来源 :南京林业大学学报(自然科学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:apple90317
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本文记述了在杉木根系研究中采用的方法——重量法。按照这一方法于1973—1979年间在苏南丘陵区调查了33株2—20年生杉木的根系及地上部分生物产量。研究结果表明: 一、丘陵区杉木根系分布的特点具有明显的浅根性,根系主要集中分布于0—20厘米的土层内(占根量的80%);根系分布因土壤容积重和营林措施的不同表现出一定程度的可塑性,即土壤容积重愈大,根系愈集中土壤表面,地上部分生长愈差,深翻能减轻土壤容积重,促进杉木根系分布位置有一定程度的下移。 二、杉木根系具有明显的趋肥性、好气性、怕水渍和与杂草竞争能力弱等生态特性。 三、杉木根量(ω)的大小与树高(H)之间呈幂函数关系:(ω=3.430H~(1.3686) 四、杉木地下与地上部分生物量之间的比例关系(地下:地上=1:y),随树高(H)而变,呈对数曲线关系:y=0.3067+3.5321lgH。 掌握了杉木树高与根量,树高与地下和地上部分的比例关系后,只要测出林分平均高就能粗略地计算出林分的生物产量。 This article describes the method used in the study of Chinese fir roots-gravimetric method. According to this method, the root and shoot biomass of 33 2- to 20-year-old Chinese fir trees were investigated in the hilly area of ​​southern Jiangsu during 1973-1979. The results showed that: (1) The characteristics of root distribution in Chinese fir hilly area were obviously shallow root, the roots were mainly concentrated in 0-20 cm soil layer (accounting for 80% of the total root volume); Root distribution was affected by soil bulk density The different measures show a certain degree of plasticity, that is, the larger the soil volume, the more the root system concentrated soil surface, the worse the growth of the ground, deep plowing can reduce the soil bulk density and promote the distribution of Chinese fir roots to a certain extent. Second, fir root has obvious fertilizer, aerotropism, fear of waterlogging and weak competition with weeds and other ecological characteristics. Third, the size of the Chinese fir (ω) and the power of the tree height (H) between the power function: (ω = 3.430H ~ (1.3686) Fourth, the ratio between the underground and aboveground biomass of Chinese fir (underground: = 1: y), with the height (H) and the logarithmic curve: y = 0.3067 +3.5321lgH. Master the fir tree height and root volume, tree height and underground and aerial parts of the relationship between the proportion, as long as Measuring the mean height of a forest can roughly calculate the biomass of the stand.
目的建立自身免疫性听神经病动物模型,探讨其听性脑干反应(auditory brainstem response ABR)和畸变产物耳声发射(distortion product otoacoustic emission DPOAE)的变化特征。方法选取耳廓反射正常的白色豚鼠250只,分离、电泳与纯化豚鼠螺旋神经节及蜗轴内的耳蜗神经纤维抗原,然后与等量完全弗氏佐剂免疫同种豚鼠,其中正常组10只,对照