Keratin expression during early embryonic development of Bufo bufo gargarizans

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Three anti-keratin MAbs were used to identifykeratins expressed in early embryos of Bufo bufogargarizans.MAb AF5 recognized three polypeptides ofkeratin in oocytes,fertilized eggs,up to neurula withMr of 68,65 and 60Kd respectively.At tailbud stage,three other keratins(62,58 and 54Kd)began to expressand could be detected by AF5.MAbs D10 and K12 gavedifferent results,both of them could identify four keratin-like molecules with unusual molecular weights(Mr 98,95,30 and 27 Kd).Moreover,D10 could also detect a 54 Kdkeratin in neurula and tailbud stage embryos,while K12could reveal,beside 54Kd keratin,other four more kera-tins(68,65,62 and 60 Kd).The possible interpretation ofthese results and their implications are discussed. Three anti-keratin MAbs were used to identifykeratins expressed in early embryos of Bufo bufogargarizans. MAb AF5 with three polypeptides ofkeratin in oocytes, fertilized eggs, up to neurula withMr of 68,65 and 60Kd respectively. At tailbud stage, three other keratins (62 , 58 and 54Kd) began to express and could be detected by AF5.MAbs D10 and K12 gavedifferent results, both of them could identify four keratin-like molecules with unusual molecular weights (Mr 98,95,30 and 27 Kd) .Moreover, D10 could also detect a 54 Kdkeratin in neurula and tailbud stage embryos, while K12could reveal, beside 54Kd keratin, the other four more kera-tins (68,65,62 and 60 Kd). Possible solutions of these results and their implications are discussed.
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