淮阴卷烟厂创建于 194 5年 ,是淮阴市利税大户 ,同时也是重点用能单位。 2 0 0 0年能耗总量为15 2 11t标煤 ,其中电力 16 0 10MWh ,原煤 80 2 5t,外购蒸汽 79987GJ。近几年淮烟突出内部能源基础管理 ,建立健全三级节能管理模式 ,充分发挥职能处室的管理作用 ,抓好管理制
Huaiyin Cigarette Factory was founded in 194 years ago. It is a large profit and taxation company in Huaiyin City, and it is also a key energy-using unit. The total energy consumption in 2000 was 152 tons of standard coal, of which electricity was 16 0 10MWh, raw coal was 80 2 5 tons, and steam purchased was 79987GJ. In recent years, Huaiyan has highlighted the internal energy basic management, established and improved the three-level energy conservation management model, gave full play to the management role of the functional departments, and managed the management system well.