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面对“入世”的临近 ,各类企业都在为自身的竞争力不强而忧虑。小而散的企业 ,希望尽快形成规模优势 ;装备陈旧的企业 ,希望加快更新改造 ;即使那些已经拥有相当规模和先进技术的企业 ,也各有各的忧虑。请读———元旦前夕 ,记者在辽宁销售分公司采访中 ,参观了座落在沈阳市沈 Facing the “accession to the WTO” approaching, all kinds of enterprises are anxious about their own competitiveness is not strong. The small and scattered enterprises hope to form a scale advantage as soon as possible. They are outdated enterprises and hope to speed up the renovation. Even those enterprises that already have a considerable size and advanced technology have their own worries. Please read --- New Year’s Eve, the reporter sales branch in Liaoning interview, visited the Shenyang is located
One-carbon unit transfer reaction of folate cofactor model compound, 1-acetyl-2-methyl-imidazolinium, with 1,2-diaminobenzene has been studied theoretically wit
本文对1992年11月至1997年11月收治的新生儿高胆红素血症65例,结合相关因素进行回顾性分析,报告如下。1 临床资料1.1 一般资料 本组65例,其中男43例,女22例,男:女为1.96:1;
The uniform NiFe2O4 powders with different particle size and morphologies (octahedral, cubic and spherical) have been prepared from different precursors via hyd
采用色层吸附分析法定量分析了稠油中石油酯的含量,酯的平均收率4.64%,平均相对偏差小于0.1%。色质联用方法对层析组分定性分析的方法可行,结果可靠。 The content of petro
皮肤粘膜淋巴结综合征又名川崎病(KD)。近年来,发病率增高。现将1996年以来收治的20例作一分析。1 临床资料 Skin mucosal lymph node syndrome, also known as Kawasaki d