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2003年是扩招后的第一年,全国普通高等学校的毕业生是212万人,增幅达46%。而我校本科生的增幅是130.34%,专科生的增幅是754%。作为一所以教学为主的普通本科院校,在大学生就业从卖方市场走向买方市场的今天,就业工作带来了前所未有的压力和挑战。面对激烈的市场竞争,如何根据学校的专业设置和人才培养模式,准确地分析市场行情,把握市场需求,有针对性地做好毕业生的推销工作,以提高我校的就业率呢?信函、网络、人才市场、校友、老师、熟人等这些耳熟能详的毕业生推销方式,在我校毕业生推荐工作中扮演着重要的角色。随着毕业生就业机制从计划经济体制下的包分配走向以市场导向为基础毕业生双向选择、自主择业的转变,人才市场成为毕业生求职的主要场所。但由于社会上的人才市场不规范、不理性,致使毕业生的“成交率”很低。长期以来,社会人才市场的成功率在20%左右徘徊。与此相对应的是,我校组织的校园招聘活动由于信息来源可靠,组织到位,招聘环境熟悉,竞争压力小,倍受毕业生的青睐,毕业生的签约率在70%以上。我校招聘活动中出现毕业生和用人单位双赢的局面,可以说在很大程度上还与我们推销有方相关。在校园招聘的过程中,我们是如何推销毕业生呢? In 2003, the first year after the enrollment expansion, the number of graduates from colleges and universities nationwide was 2.12 million, an increase of 46%. The increase of undergraduates in our school is 130.34%, and the increase of junior college students is 754%. As a teaching-oriented general undergraduate college, job placement has brought unprecedented pressure and challenges to college students as they move from the seller’s market to the buyer’s market. In the face of fierce market competition, how to accurately analyze the market conditions according to the school’s professional settings and personnel training mode, grasp the market demand, and do a targeted job of promoting the graduates in order to improve the employment rate of our school? , Network, talent market, alumni, teachers, acquaintances and other well-known graduates of marketing methods, in my school recommended the work of graduates play an important role. With the employment system of graduates moving from the distribution of packages under the planned economy system to the two-way selection of graduates based on market orientation and the change of independent employment, the talent market has become the main place for graduates to seek jobs. However, due to the non-standard and irrational talent market in the society, graduates have a very low turnover rate. For a long time, the success rate of social talent market hovering around 20%. Corresponding to this, the school campus recruitment activities organized by our school because of reliable sources, organizations in place, familiar with the recruitment environment, competitive pressures, much of the favor of graduates, the signing rate of graduates in more than 70%. Our school recruiting activities appear in a win-win situation for graduates and employers, can be said to a large extent, but also with our marketing related. In the process of campus recruitment, how do we sell graduates?
话说一百多年前,宁波帮先驱叶澄衷先生赤手空拳来到上海滩,以诚信扬名,在五金业和煤油业上闯出一片天地后,一个偶然的机会使他涉足房地产业,引出了一个经典的生意经案例。  当时,上海有一家钱庄以某业主在苏州河北岸虹口一带的几百亩土地为抵押,贷出4万两银子,双方约定押期到年底。年终结帐清算时,那业主无力还账,当然也无法赎回那批土地。钱庄空有一块上地却断了现金流,急得如热锅上的蚂蚁。叶澄衷五金业的发祥地就在