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学报本期刊登了南京工学院建筑系建筑史教研组经过集体讨论而写出的“建筑史科学研究和教学中要拔掉白旗插上红旗”一文(这篇文章系南工建筑系建筑史教研组在10月中旬建筑科学院召开的建筑史科学研究和教学会议上所作的报告,本刊略有删改)。过去在建筑史的研究和教学里确实存在着严重的资产阶级观点和方法,厚古薄今,从个人兴趣甚至个人名利出发,脱离政治,脱离国家当前的建设需要。在批判复古主义、形式主义时,一般是从浪费问题上进行批判,还没有针对学术问题的本身深入解剖。因此,这篇文章的发表是非常需要的。文中所举的例子,一部分是该教研组的自我检查,一部分涉及其他院校和研究单位。现在南工已经高举红旗,希望清华大学、天津大学、同济大学、华南工学院、重庆、西安土建学院等院校的建筑史教研组的教师和同学以及与建筑史有关的研究单位的科学研究人员,也解放思想,力争上游,踊跃地参加这个问题的严肃讨论,并希望广大的建筑界工作同志提出意见,批判和要求。 In this issue, the journal published the article “Research on the History of Architecture and the Need for the White Flag to Be Covered with Red Flags” in the Architectural History Research Group of the Architecture Department of Nanjing Institute of Technology. This article is written by the NanGong Architectural History and Research Group. In mid-October, the report on the history and scientific teaching of architectural history convened by the Academy of Architecture Sciences has been slightly revised. In the past, there have been serious bourgeois views and methods in the study and teaching of the history of architecture. Since ancient times and thin today, starting from personal interests and even personal fame and interests, they have been separated from politics and out of the country’s current construction needs. When criticizing retroism and formalism, criticism is generally made on the issue of waste. There is no in-depth anatomy of the academic issue itself. Therefore, the publication of this article is very much needed. The examples cited in the article are part of the self-examination of the teaching and research group, and some of them involve other institutions and research institutes. Nangong has already raised the red flag and hopes that the teachers and students of the architectural history teaching and research group of Tsinghua University, Tianjin University, Tongji University, South China University of Technology, Chongqing, Xi’an Institute of Civil Engineering and other institutions, as well as scientific research personnel in research units related to architecture history, It also emancipates the mind, strives for the upper reaches, actively participates in the serious discussion of this issue, and hopes that the majority of the working comrades in the construction industry will give their opinions, criticisms, and demands.
楚 雄  用火把命名的城。用火焰的肢体语言  倾诉着狂欢与野性的城。你们  洗净了我一路孤独  相互致礼  彼此点燃  牛角装饰的夜晚,这男人的夜晚  站着喝酒,然后抱一把火痛哭流涕  相好的手是如此灼热  舞蹈与生俱在  火焰与生俱在  带上你花腰肢的女人,只愿天黑  只愿火来形容前世和今生  黎明前就让我倒地而死  唯求自由不求涅槃  我不远千里,为了给自己一个道歉  元谋红土林  风的雕刻,
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