Short-term Results of Using Lamellar Corneo-scleral Patch Graft for the Ahmed Glaucoma Valve Implant

来源 :眼科学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xingjiena
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Background: Human donor sclera is commonly used in glaucoma implant surgery to cover the external portion of the silicone tube and prevent its erosion through the overlying conjunctiva. Corneo-scleral graft is used in this study as an alternative material for its desirable properties of being transparent, higher in tensile strength, cheap and more readily available. Methods: Eighteen consecutive cases were implanted with the Ahmed glaucoma valve im-plant. The limbal portion of the silicone tube was covered by a comeo-scleral graft obtained from the corneo-scleral rim left over following corneal transplant operation. The effectiveness in protecting the tube from erosion or migration, the transparency of the patch graft and complications encountered after surgery were assessed.Results: At a mean follow-up of 6 months, all tubes were well protected and no complications related to the patch graft were encountered during intra and postoperative period. All comeo-scleral grafts remained transparent and health Background: Human donor sclera is commonly used in glaucoma implant surgery to cover the external portion of the silicone tube and prevent its erosion through the overlying conjunctiva. Corneo-scleral graft is used in this study as an alternative material for its desirable properties of being transparent , higher in tensile strength, cheap and more readily available. Methods: Eighteen consecutive cases were implanted with the Ahmed glaucoma valve im-plant. The limbal portion of the silicone tube was covered by a comeo-scleral graft obtained from the corneo-scleral rim The effectiveness in protecting the tube from erosion or migration, the transparency in the patch graft and complications encountered after surgery were assessed. Results: At a mean follow-up of 6 months, all tubes were well protected and no complications related to the patch graft were encountered during intra and postoperative period. All comeo-scleral grafts remained tran sparent and health
担任Cadence的董事5年,在2008年该公司面临重大危机时,陈立武先是成为公司4人共治办公室的成员之一,继而在2009年初出线,接任Cadence总裁暨执行长(President and CEO)一职。
“我本楚狂人,凤歌笑孔丘。”不羁的狂笑与狂啸,穿越千年历史迷雾依旧响遏行云。从接舆到李白,再到民国初年那些“恃才放旷”、不拘流俗的大师们,桀骜不驯的外表下总藏着一颗晶莹剔透的灵魂。正如道家所言:“狂放不羁,乃人之本性;潇洒人生,方不枉世间一回。”  狂放不羁,是为追求个体生命的解放。“阮籍猖狂,岂效穷途之哭。”阮籍、嵇康,以及那些风神俊秀的魏晋名士们,个个纵情山水,啸傲幽篁,叛离礼教的行为背后,實