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深受宏观调控及原材料涨价双重之痛、企业盈利处于低谷的水泥行业,目前正轮番上演着外资收购兼并的精彩好戏。近来,占据国内区域龙头地位的水泥上市公司G华新、海螺水泥、四川双马、冀东水泥相继被国际水泥业跨国公司或著名投资机构增持或购并,甚至所掌控,G华新本周公告对其外资股东实施定向增发,成为《外国投资者对上市公司战略投资管理办法》颁布以来,首家通过定向增发A股方式引入外资战略投资者的G股公司。年初之时,我们曾预言2006年将是中国证券市场一个并购之年,不想,在水泥行业这个前期宏观调控最严厉的部门,又恰逢行业前景出现转机的绝佳时刻,外资又一次捷足先登了。 By the macro-control and raw material prices double the pain, corporate profits in the trough of the cement industry, is now staged a brilliant takeover of foreign mergers and acquisitions. Recently, G Huaxin, Conch Cement, Sichuan Shuangma and Jidong Cement, the cement listed companies that occupy the leading position in the domestic region, have been over-controlled or even controlled by international cement multinationals or well-known investment institutions, and G Huaxin this week announced Its foreign shareholders implemented private placement and became the first G share company to introduce foreign strategic investors through the private placement of A shares since the promulgation of the Measures for the Administration of Strategic Investments in Listed Companies by Foreign Investors. At the beginning of the year, we had predicted that 2006 will be a year of mergers and acquisitions in China’s securities market. We do not want to. In the cement industry, the sector with the strictest macroeconomic controls in the early stages of the cement industry also coincided with an excellent moment when the industry prospects turned favorable. .
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《公路钢筋混凝土及预应力混凝土桥涵设计规范》第4·1·14条规定,受弯构件进行斜截面抗剪配筋设计时,剪力值Q_j应按下列规定采用(见图1,即规范图4·1·14)。 Article 4.1.