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  《别让我走》讲述了三个在寄宿学校一起长大的伙伴过着与世隔绝的生活。直到有一天,他们发现自己原来是克隆人,而存在的唯一目的就是为别人提供移植器官。听起来是否似曾相识?没错,这剧情跟2005年的《逃出克隆岛》(The Island)如出一辙,所以很多人把它称为后者的文艺版。从预告片可以看出,这部改编自石黑一雄
  Once upon a time, One Hour Photo director Mark Romanek was attached to direct The Wolfman. That didn’t pan out[成功], but he landed on his feet[安然脱险] when he was hired to helm[掌舵,控制] Never Let Me Go. The film is an
  adaptation of Kazuo Ishiguro’s注 novel of the same name, and the trailer looks very good.
  The film stars Oscar nominees[被提名的人] Carey Mulligan and Keira Knightley alongside Andrew Garfield in a sci-fi-tinged[使带有……气息] drama set in an alternate[(两个)交替的] reality. The three characters grow up at Hailsham, a quaint[古雅的]
  and charming English boarding school[寄宿学校], but when they’re old enough to venture[冒险] out into the real world, they’re forced to confront the terrible truth of their destinies.
  Ishiguro’s novel has been hailed[喝彩] by Time magazine as “the best of the decade,” and Romanek expressed the following sentiments[观点] about the project last year: “From the moment I finished the novel, it became my dream to film it. Ishiguro’s conception is so daring, so eerie[神秘怪异的] and beautiful. Alex Garland’s adaptation is sensitive[敏感的] and precise[精确的]. The cast is perfect, the crew superb[极好的].”
  The trailer is striking – the shots on the beach, in
  particular – and gives you just enough of a hint as to what is going on in the story to pique[激起] your interest.
  注:石黑一雄(1954-),著名日裔英国小说家,文体以细腻优美著称。1989年,其作品《长日将尽》(The Remains of the Day)获得在英语文学里享有盛誉的布克奖(Booker Prize)。
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