Preconcentration of rare earth elements from Iranian monazite ore by spiral separator using multi-re

来源 :International Journal of Mining Science and Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sb198908240015
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The present work dealt with the preconcentration of rare earth elements in Saghand ore(Yazd province,Iran)which was achieved by Humphrey spiral using orthogonal optimization method after scrubbing the sample at 45%solid pulp density for 30 min.The pulp was diluted and was fed to a Humphrey spiral for upgrading.The process parameters considered were feed size,feed solids and feed rate,and Taguchi’s L9(34)orthogonal array(OA)was selected for optimization of the process.The results show that the feed rate and feed size were more significant than the other operation parameters of the process.It was also found that under optimal conditions,the concentrate grade of rare earth elements increased from2860 10 6to 6050 10 6and recovery reached to 58%. The present work dealt with the preconcentration of rare earth elements in Saghand ore (Yazd province, Iran) which was achieved by Humphrey spiral using orthogonal optimization method after scrubbing the sample at 45% solid pulp density for 30 min. The pulp was diluted and was fed to a Humphrey spiral for upgrading. The process parameters considered as feed size, feed solids and feed rate, and Taguchi’s L9 (34) orthogonal array (OA) was selected for optimization of the process. The results show that the feed rate and feed size was more significant than the other operation parameters of the process. It was also found that under optimal conditions, the concentrate grade of rare earth elements increased from 2860 10 6to 6050 10 6 and recovery reached to 58%.
俗話说:“人过六十岁,弓腰又驼背。”不管何种原因出现的弯腰驼背对健康都有害。有关专家说,老年人如果像年轻人一样,尽量并经常昂首挺胸,不仅有助于预防腰、颈椎发生病变,还能增加老年人的肺活量,对健康大为有利。  老人若经常弓腰、低头,会影响心肺功能,日久易引起颈椎病、脊柱弯曲,加速衰老。当你经常有意识地昂首挺胸,肺活量可增加10%至30%,血液的含氧量也随之增多,从而有利于促进新陈代谢。昂首挺胸还能使
很多人一到冬天,就觉得手脚冰凉,怎么暖也像个冰块似的,其实,这是寒体。寒体是一种比较常见的病理体质类型。寒体的人常见畏寒怕冷、四肢不温、腰脊酸痛、性欲减退,甚或阳痿、夜尿频频而清长,或耳鸣耳聋、齿摇发秃、舌淡胖伴有齿印、脉沉细无力,时或大便溏稀,或气喘乏力,或胃纳不佳,或心动过缓,或行动迟呆。  形成寒体的机理  寒体的病理基础是元阳不足,其主要成因在儿童时由于先天不足,在成人可由于色欲房劳所伤。