
来源 :中国地方病防治杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:miracle_l
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目的 调查监测县及监测点防治措施落实情况及防治效果。方法 按照“全国地方性氟中毒监测方案” ,调查监测县 2 0 0 2~ 2 0 0 3年防氟改水进度 ,10 0个防氟设施管理使用情况及水氟含量。用电极法检测居民饮水氟和 8~ 12岁儿童尿氟。采用Dean氏法调查 8~ 12岁儿童氟斑牙检出率。结果 监测县改水率为 82 .9% ,受益率 76.6%。 10 0个防氟设施中 ,85 %完好并可正常使用 ,但有 11眼防氟井水氟含量超过 1.0mg/L。 2个监测点饮水氟含量分别为 0 .49mg/L和 0 .5 8mg/L ;2 0 0 2~ 2 0 0 3年 8~ 12岁儿童尿氟含量分别为 (0 .76± 0 .2 2 )mg/L和 (1.19± 1.3 9)mg/L ;2个监测点 8~ 12岁儿童氟斑牙患病率分别为 3 4.0 %和 45 .2 % ,平均为 40 .3 %。结论 监测县多数病区已改水 ,多数防氟设施管理使用良好 ;儿童尿氟在正常范围 ;地方性氟中毒防治取得显著成绩。但仍存在一些问题 ,如防氟井管理、使用、维护不善等。今后应采取对策改善现况 ,从而促进地方性氟中毒防治工作。 Objective To investigate the implementation of the prevention and control measures in counties and monitoring sites and their prevention and control effects. Methods According to the “National Plan for Monitoring Surveillance of Fluorine Poisoning”, the progress of fluorosis prevention and control and monitoring and control of the use of fluoride prevention and control facilities and the content of water and fluoride in 10 0 anti-fluoride facilities from 2002 to 2003 were investigated. Detection of fluoride in drinking water and urinary fluoride in children aged 8 ~ 12 by electrode method. The Dean’s method was used to investigate the detection rate of dental fluorosis in children aged 8-12 years. Results Monitoring County water rate was 82.9%, the rate of 76.6% benefit. Among the 10 0 anti-fluoride facilities, 85% were intact and could be used normally, but 11 eyes had anti-fluoride fluorine content exceeding 1.0mg / L. The fluoride content of drinking water in the two monitoring sites were 0.49mg / L and 0.58mg / L, respectively. The urinary fluoride contents of children aged 8-12 years from 2002 to 2003 were (0.76 ± 0.2 2) mg / L and (1.19 ± 1.3 9) mg / L respectively. The prevalence rates of dental fluorosis in children aged 8 ~ 12 years were 34.0% and 45.2% respectively in two monitoring sites, with an average of 40.3%. Conclusions Most of the wards in the monitoring counties have been changed to water, and most of the facilities for the prevention of fluoride have been well used. Urinary fluoride in children has a normal range and remarkable results have been achieved in the prevention and control of endemic fluorosis. However, there are still some problems, such as anti-fiujing management, use, poor maintenance and so on. In the future, measures should be taken to improve the status quo so as to promote endemic fluorosis prevention and control.
患者 ,女性 ,4 5岁。间断性右上腹绞痛伴大便不规律 5年 ,疼痛加重伴呕吐、稀便时有脓血 1个月住院。超声检查 :右上腹部相当于结肠肝区肠管局限性扩张 ,腔内探及一实质性强
目的 观察饮水型氟骨症患者尿中骨吸收代谢产物的改变及其相互间的关系。方法 采用氯胺T法测定氟病区 67名氟骨症患者以及非病区 2 5名对照者的尿中羟脯氨酸含量 ,氟离子选
患者,男,21岁.因进食黑枣后持续性腹痛,停止排气排便2天入院.查体:T 37 ℃,P 85次/分,全腹压痛,肌紧张,反跳痛不明显,血常规:WBC 8.4×109/L,HGB 164 g/L.B超检查:使用Hp Ima
患者,女,20岁.因右上腹隐痛不适1周来院就诊,无其他不适,2年前有右上腹撞伤史.查体:仅右上腹轻压痛.超声所见:在右上腹近胆囊处探及一约4.2 cm×3.8 cm×4.0 cm的液性暗区,有
目的 用接近于流行病现场调查的碘水平复制小鼠动物模型 ,研究不同碘剂对小鼠甲状腺形态结构和功能的影响。方法 将小鼠按体重随机分为基础饲料组 (NG)、适碘酸钾组 (NO)、
患者 ,女 ,6 7岁。主因高血压两年、发现低钾两个月 ,经降压补钾治疗效果不明显来我院就诊。患者就诊时消瘦明显 ,诉尿多、时感乏力 ,未诉其它不适。查 :BP 2 0 0 /1 2 0 mm
目的:应用三维超声测量前列腺的体积,找出前列腺体积的正常值.方法:应用NAS 2000超声仪,采用三维容积探头测量40例前列腺的体积.结果:正常前列腺的体积在25 cm3以下,超过25 c