
来源 :浙江农业科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ysksy
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近几年来,我省推广施用紫云英根瘤菌肥料已取得了显著的增产效果,菌肥拌种已成为紫云英丰产栽培技术的重要措施之一。事物都是一分为二的。在推广施用紫云英根瘤菌肥的过程中也遇到了这样的一些问题:菌肥通常都作拌种施用,但在菌肥供应不及时作追肥施用是否有效?在根瘤菌已经接种过的地方是否需要连年接种?紫云英新种植区(或田块)是否可用老区(或田块)的熟土来代替菌肥?菌肥配用磷肥和微量元素——钼肥,对提高菌肥的增产效果如何?我们针对这些问题进行了调查与试验,现将取得结果报道如下,以供参考。(一)菌肥作追肥施用的问题根据各地反映,紫云英根瘤菌肥料(以下简称菌肥)作追肥施用具有一定的增产效果。追施方法各地很不一致:有的先将菌肥(每亩0.5斤左右)在适量的水中捣碎,调成糊状,然后倒入稀粪水(每亩5—10担)泼施。也有的先用粪水或速效氮肥泼浇,待3—5天后,新根逐渐形成时,泼施或喷施菌肥(用量同上)。还有采取颜色红润而有效的新鲜根瘤,磨碎冲入水中泼浇等等。但 In recent years, our province to promote the use of Ziyun Ying rhizobium fertilizer has made significant increase in yield, bacterial fertilizer dressing has become a high-yielding cultivation techniques of one of the important measures. Everything is divided into two. In the promotion of the application of Astragalus rhizobium fertilizer process also encountered such problems: Bacteria are usually used as seed dressing, but not timely supply of fertilizer for top dressing is effective? Rhizobium has been inoculated in place Whether the need for year-round inoculation? Shiyuning new planting areas (or plots) can be used in the old (or plots) of maturation to replace the bacterial fertilizer? Fertilizer with phosphate and trace elements - molybdenum fertilizer, fertilizer to improve the Yield effect how? We have conducted investigations and experiments on these issues, the results obtained are reported below, for reference. (A) the top-dressing application of bacterial fertilizer According to the local reflection, Ziyunying rhizobium fertilizer (hereinafter referred to as fertilizer) for topdressing application has a certain yield-increasing effect. Top dressing method is very inconsistent around: some first fertilizer (0.5 kg per acre) crushed in appropriate amount of water, transferred into a paste, and then poured into dilute manure (5-10 per acre) pour facilities. Some of the first use of manure or quick-acting nitrogen poured pouring, to be 3-5 days, the new root gradually formed, the sprinkle or spray fertilizer (same amount as above). There are ruddy and effective to take the color of fresh nodules, ground into the water pouring and so on. but
目的:通过TAP的分子结构分析,向其中插入一段KGDS序列,构建一种新的嵌合蛋白TAP-KGDS,希望新蛋白具有抗凝及抗血小板聚集两种功能,为新型抗凝药物的研制作一些探索。 方法:①设
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前言糖尿病肾病(Diabetic nephropathy,DN)作为糖尿病的特征性并发症是终末期肾衰常见原因之一。糖尿病肾病主要是微血管病变,其机制可能与糖基化终末产物(advanced glyciati