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政务院政治法律委员会董主任并报政务院周总理:我们这次赴华东观察司法工作,三月二十一日出发,四月二十六日返京,历时一月又五日,中间曾到上海、南京两市及苏地、浙江两省,听取了皖北、皖南、苏北司法负责同志的汇报,并分派小组到山东及十个县份。谨将所见情况、问题及我的意见(苏联专家另有报告)报告如下,请审核指示!一、镇压反革命运动极合民心。这一运动在华东已顺利地进入或正在进入高潮。沿途不少例子,说明坚决镇压反革命是群众迫切的要求,如南京王苏氏叙述她的心情:「我丈夫在日寇时代被日特杨金梅用棒打、狗咬和烧红了的烙铁活活烙死,多年含冤未伸,日寇投降后,我曾一度以为大仇可报了,但杨金梅一变而为蒋匪特务,又吃得开,作恶极多,人民解放军来了,我又一度兴奋,可是他又混入码头工会,还是照旧欺压工人,使我疑惑!在日寇时代他是特务,国民党来了后他当了官,共产党来后,又仍然有办法,难道我的仇就算了吗?一直到最近他被逮捕后,我才感到人民 Director of the Politics and Law Committee of the State Council and Premier Zhou of the State Council: We went to East China to observe the work of the judiciary, set off on March 21 and returned to Beijing on April 26, which lasted from January to May. The two cities of Nanjing and the Soviet Union and Zhejiang provinces listened to reports from responsible comrades in northern Anhui, southern Anhui and northern Jiangsu and assigned teams to Shandong and ten counties. I would like to see the situation, problems and my opinion (Soviet experts report separately) as follows, please review the instructions! First, suppress the counter-revolutionary movement very popular. This campaign has successfully entered or is entering the climax in East China. Many examples along the way indicate that resolute suppression of counter-revolution is an urgent demand of the masses. For example, Nanjing’s Su-Su describes her feelings: "My husband was hit by a stick in the days of Japanese invaders, a dog bite and a red-hot iron After years of grievances and deaths, injustice did not last for many years. After the surrender of the Japanese invaders, I once thought that my revenge could be reported. However, Yang Jinmei became a Chiang Kai-shek spy and became a spy. She was eaten so openly and extremely hostile. When the People’s Liberation Army came, I was once again excited. He mixed into the dock union, or oppressed the workers as usual, I wondered! In the days of the Japanese occupation he was a spy, after the KMT came he became an official, after the Communist Party, there are still ways, is my revenge forget it? Until recently he was arrested, I felt the people