
来源 :铁路采购与物流 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bgydong
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6据国资委国际合作局提供的消息,11月28日,国资委副主任黄丹华在委内会见了诺基亚集团董事长李斯拓先生一行,双方就推进诺基亚中国与上海贝尔合资合作事宜进行了深入交流。黄丹华对诺基亚近一年来取得的成绩表示祝贺,对诺基亚和上海贝尔团队为推进整合所作的努力表示肯定。她指出,希望合作双方本着互利共赢的精神,以备忘录为基础继续加快推进整合谈判,双方要创新方式方法、以合资公司利益最大化为目标,进一步发挥各自优 According to the information provided by the International Cooperation Bureau of SASAC, on November 28, Huang Danhua, deputy director of SASAC, met with Mr. Li Shituo, chairman of Nokia Group and his entourage. Both parties held an in-depth exchange on promoting joint ventures and cooperation between Nokia China and Shanghai Bell . Huang Danhua expressed his congratulation on Nokia’s achievements in the past year and affirmed the efforts Nokia and Shanghai Bell team made to promote integration. She pointed out that it is hoped that both parties to the cooperation will continue accelerating the integration negotiations on the basis of the memorandum in the spirit of mutual benefit and win-win, and both sides should make innovations and ways to maximize the benefits of the joint venture company and further develop their respective advantages
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