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如果稍微留意一下,您就会发现,近年来您周围的胖人是越来越多了。尤其是在一些北方大城市,小胖墩更是随处可见。肥胖作为现代工业化带来的一种“富贵病”,目前已受到全世界各种肤色人们的关注。在20世纪70年代和80年代,它主要存在于发达国家,而到了90年代,人们却发现发展中国家的肥胖人数日趋增多,上升率已超过发达国家。拿中国来说,80年代儿童和青少年中男、女肥胖发生率分别为2.63%和3.32%,而到90年代,这两个比率已分别变成了8.15%和7.28%。 If you look a bit, you will find that in recent years the fat people around you is more and more. Especially in some northern cities, chubby pier is everywhere. As a kind of “rich disease” brought by modern industrialization, obesity has now attracted the attention of people of all kinds all over the world. In the 1970s and 1980s, it mainly existed in developed countries. By the 1990s, however, it was found that the number of obese people in developing countries was increasing more and more than the developed countries. For China, the incidence of obesity among men and women in childhood and adolescence in the 1980s was 2.63% and 3.32%, respectively, and by the 1990s the rates had become 8.15% and 7.28% respectively.
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及时补水补盐 夏季气温高,人易大量出汗,不仅使体内水分不断丧失,且身体里的盐分也被大量汗液带出。因此,高温天气补水要少量多次,一般每次以300~500毫升为宜,切不可一次饮得
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江苏姜书芯问:我女儿5岁,前几天体格检查时,做结核菌素试验阳性(++),拍胸片无问题。请问这是怎么一回事,该怎么办? 答:结核病发生率目前有增高趋势,做好儿童预防工作很重要