
来源 :中国大学生就业 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:candy136892
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坎坷与磨难始终在我的求学路上蔓延,尤其令我难忘的是,4年的大学,我是在学校、院系和老师、同学的帮助下才顺利完成学业的。高二时,家庭发生了巨大变故,劳累过度的父亲得了美尼尔综合症。为了给父亲治病,家里花光了所有积蓄并卖了农民最赖以生存的房屋,后来,只能安身于村边山脚的茅草屋。1998年的高考改变了我的生活轨迹。怀着憧憬与寄托,我走进原哈建大。当时,怀里仅揣着假期做苦力挣的1000多块钱,不知道等待我的将是什么样的生活,但我深深地期望还能有一个继续学习的机会。事情比我想象的要好得多,学校了解我的情况后,批准了我缓交学费的申请。我的心里已经满是感激了,虽然1000多块钱除去必要的开支已所剩无几,想到瑟缩在山脚下茅屋里的母亲和卧床的父亲,我咬紧牙关告诉自己:无论如何也不能向生活低头!为了节省开支,我不得不在吃饭上省钱,早餐一个馒头,中午和晚上只是吃最廉价的菜和3两米饭,几乎每天都处于一种半饥饿状态。没有进项,无论多省,钱还是要花光的,我开始迷茫,开始怀疑自己的选择。美丽的象牙塔呀,我真的要离开你吗?我多么希望大学里能无忧无虑的只是需要学习, Frustration and suffering have always been spreading on my way to school. What has made me especially memorable is that I completed my studies with the help of my school, faculty, teachers and students in 4 years. High school, the family had a huge accident, overworked father got Meniere’s syndrome. In order to cure his father, the family spent all its savings and sold the houses most depended on by the peasants. Later, it was allowed to settle in thatched cottage on the edge of the village. The college entrance examination in 1998 changed my life track. With longing and sustenance, I entered the original Harbin-built. At that time, his arms only covered the holidays to make coolies earned more than 1,000 dollars, I do not know what will be waiting for a living, but I deeply hope there can be a chance to continue learning. Things are much better than I expected, the school approved my case, approved my application for graduation tuition. My heart is full of gratitude, although more than 1,000 dollars to remove the necessary expenditure has been left, think of shrinking at the foot of the hut in the mother and bedridden father, I clenched teeth tell myself: in any case can not be to life Bow to save money, I had to save money on the meal, breakfast a bread, noon and night just to eat the cheapest dishes and 3 two rice, almost every day in a semi-hungry state. No income, no matter how many provinces, money or spend, I began to confused, began to doubt their own choice. Beautiful ivory tower Yeah, I really want to leave you? How I wish college can be carefree just need to learn,
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