
来源 :价格理论与实践 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qq165247254
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1988年是我所在新形势下,不断探索检查的新路子,开拓前进的一年。在充分发挥职工群众义务监督物价的作用,开展经常性的检查零售商业企业价格的同时,我们集中精力抓了群众反映比较强烈,对市场价格影响较大的案件。我区物价违纪的动向是从流通领域向生产领域转化,物价违纪的特点是农副产品收购大于工农业生产资料,工农业生产资料大于生活消费品。主要违纪表现有: 一、收购棉花压级压价,升溢超规定,乱支乱用。北龙港棉花收购站在1985年度收花中压级压价,升溢不退给棉农,从中提现金,扎费用,销售收入搞帐外帐的情况较为严重。对超规定升溢22818元,采取帐面加大收购金额提现金5000元,减库存数量销售等外棉收入1318元搞帐外帐,还有16500元不按规定退给棉农,而转乡里搞建筑。对这一重大违纪案件,我们立即向区物委和区政府书面报告,区政府领导及时批转了我所报告,将升溢款如数退给了农户, In 1988, under my new situation, we continued to explore new ways to inspect and make progress. While giving full play to the role of the masses of workers and staff in supervising the price of goods and conducting regular checks on the prices of retail commercial enterprises, we have concentrated our attention on cases in which the masses have relatively strong reactions and have a great impact on market prices. The trend of price violations in our region is the transformation from the circulation area to the production area. The characteristic of price violation is that the purchase of agricultural and sideline products is greater than that of industrial and agricultural production materials, and the industrial and agricultural production materials are larger than the consumer goods. The main disciplinary violations are: First, the purchase of cotton pressure level prices, over-stipulated, indiscriminate use. The Beilonggang Cotton Acquisition Station stood at the mid-pressure level of 1985, and the premium was not refundable to the cotton farmers. The cash outflow from the middle of the year, the collection of expenses, and the sales revenues were more serious. The overstipulated increase in overflow was 22,818 yuan, and 5,000 yuan in cash was added to the book to increase the purchase amount, 13,18 yuan in extra cotton income was reduced in inventory, and 16,500 yuan was returned to the farmers in violation of the regulations. building. Regarding this major violation of laws and disciplines, we immediately reported to the district committee and the district government in writing. The district government leaders promptly forwarded our report and returned the surrender money in full to the farmers.
在日本“情趣商店”相当普及,特别是以青年人为销售对象的商业区,开设得特别多。“情趣商店”是一种专门出售可以增添生活情 In Japan, “sex shops” are quite popular,
4月初的日内瓦,春意盎然,景色分外宜人。日内瓦最大的展览馆“帕莱克斯波”迎来了第十五届国际发明与新技术展览。 日内瓦国际发明展览每年举行一次,素有“人类丰富的想象力
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今年五月十四日,是母亲节。这一天,美国沸腾了!尤其是首都华盛顿,百万妈妈走出家庭,外出集会游行。Million Mom March(注意头韵)罕见且壮观的场面被本文活龙活现地刻画出来。