
来源 :中国财政 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hqxt2009
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位于辽东半岛的大连港的大窑湾一期工程建设项目,系我国“七五”期间重点建设项目之一。1987年根据财政部与国际复兴开发银行和国际开发协会签署的贷款协议和信贷协定,财政部将复兴开发银行7100万美元,开发协会信贷1820万个特别提款权,全部转贷给大连港,用于大窑湾码头建设。大窑湾一期前四个泊位建设项目,共使用世界银行贷款7024万美元,1820万个特别提款权,于1993年国家验收投产。投产后,由于市场的变化和装卸的货物量发生变化,年吞吐量由设计的260万吨降至100万吨;货种由高费率,高效益的集装箱和钢铁,变为低费率,低效益的杂货等,导致该项目效益不佳。由于该项目效益不佳,给还贷增加了一定的压力。特别是由于国家外汇体制改革后,取消了外汇额度留成,偿还外债的负担更加沉重,1995年底曾出 Located in the Liaodong Peninsula, Dalian Port Dayaowan Phase I construction project, the Department of China “75” one of the key construction projects. In 1987, according to the loan agreement and credit agreement signed between the Ministry of Finance and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the International Development Association, the Ministry of Finance will revitalize the Development Bank by 71 million U.S. dollars and the Development Association credits 18.2 million special drawing rights, all lent to Dalian Port, For Dayao Bay Pier construction. The construction of the first four berths of Dayaowan Phase I used a total of 70.24 million U.S. dollars loans and 18.2 million SDRs from the World Bank and was put into operation by the state in 1993. After the commencement of production, the annual throughput dropped from 2.6 million tons to 1 million tons due to changes in the market and changes in the volume of loading and unloading goods. The freight rates were reduced from high-priced and highly-efficient containers and steel to low rates. Inefficient groceries, etc., resulting in poor efficiency of the project. Due to the poor efficiency of the project, a certain amount of pressure has been added to the loan repayment. Especially after the reform of the national foreign exchange system, the foreign exchange quotas were canceled and the burden of repaying foreign debts was even heavier. At the end of 1995,
在一台内径61 mm、长度1140 mm的气动阀式脉冲爆震发动机(PDE)上,进行了爆震管热负荷的测量计算,主要采用了两种换热模型:一是自然对流和热辐射模型;二是强迫对流模型.在两种
A numerical model is proposed to simulate the unsteady seepage flow through dam,with both saturation and water head as variables to describe the seepage domain.
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