
来源 :天然气工业 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:melhy
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利用华北油田水驱开发晚期裂缝性碳酸盐岩块状底水油藏改建大型地下储气库,对保障京、津、冀等地区安全、平稳供气,具有重要意义。虽然前期对华北任11井裂缝性碳酸盐岩块状底水油藏改建地下储气库的可行性已开展了相关研究工作,但没有解决工作气量、气垫气量优化评价的关键技术问题。文章通过借鉴国外含水层储气库注采运行的经验,在物质平衡原理基础上,提出了描述裂缝性碳酸盐岩块状底水油藏改建地下储气库工作气量预测的数学模型。该模型能较准确地预测随油气界面下移,气库能达到的最大工作气量和相应气垫气量。通过实例求解得出注气增压系数对工作气量及其在库容量中所占的比例影响较大。随着注气增压系数的增大,工作气量及所占的比例迅速增加,气库效率随之提高,因此,提高注气增压系数是提高裂缝性碳酸盐岩块状底水油藏储气库效益的重要途径。 It is of great significance to use the waterflooding of the Huabei Oilfield to develop late fractured carbonate block bottom water reservoirs to rebuild large underground gas storage reservoirs to ensure safe and stable gas supply in Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei provinces. Although preliminary research has been carried out on the feasibility of retrofitting underground gas reservoirs with fractured carbonate block bottom water reservoirs in No.11 well in North China, it does not solve the key technical problems in the optimization evaluation of working gas volume and gas cushion gas volume. Based on the material balance principle, the paper presents a mathematical model describing the prediction of the working gas volume of the underground gas reservoir converted from a fractured carbonate block bottom water reservoir by drawing lessons from the experience of the injection and production operation of the foreign aquifer gas storage. The model can predict more accurately the maximum working air volume and the corresponding air cushion gas volume that can be reached with the downward movement of the oil-gas interface. Through the case study, it is concluded that the injection pressurization coefficient has a great influence on the working gas quantity and its proportion in the storage capacity. With the increase of gas injection pressurization coefficient, the working gas quantity and its proportion increase rapidly, and the gas reservoir efficiency increases accordingly. Therefore, increasing the gas injection pressurization coefficient is to improve the fractured carbonate block bottom water reservoir An Important Way to Benefit Gas Storage.