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祖国医学早在汉唐医书上就有哮喘病症的描述与平喘的方药,历代名家通过临床实践,对哮喘的病机与治则提出不少精辟的见解,迄今仍有指导意义。如明张景岳:“肺为气之主,肾为气之根”,“未发时以扶正气为主,既发时以攻邪为主,扶正气者须辨明阴阳,阴虚者补其阴,阳虚者补其阳”。王旭高医案:“喘哮气急,原由寒入肺兪,痰凝胃络而起,久发不已,肺虚必及于肾,胃虚必累于脾。脾为生痰之源,肺为贮痰之器,痰恋不化,气机阻滞,一触风寒,喘即举发,治之之法,在上治肺胃,在下治脾肾,发时治上,平时治下”。李用粹《证治汇补》:“哮即痰喘之久而常发者,因内有壅塞之气,外有非时之感, As early as the Han and Tang Dynasties medical books on the description of asthma symptoms and anti-asthma prescriptions, ancient masters through clinical practice, the pathogenesis and treatment of asthma put forward many brilliant insights, so far there are guiding significance. Such as the Ming Jingyue: “lung is the main gas, kidney is the root of gas,” “not issued when the main righteousness, when the attack to the main attack, righteousness who must identify the yin and yang, yin and make up its shade , Yang who make up their Yang. Wang Xu Gao Yixian: ”asthma hysterical, the original cold into the lung 兪, phlegm condensate gastric network, long hair endless, lung deficiency must be in the kidney, stomach must be tired in the spleen. Spleen is the source of sputum, lung storage Sputum of the device, sputum love is not, air-block, a touch of cold, wheezing that rule, the rule of law, in the treatment of lung and stomach, the next rule spleen and kidney, hair governance, usually under the rule. Lee with the curse, “Meridian”: "Asthma is sputum and phlegm for a long time and often, due to congestion within the gas, the outside have a sense of time,
养殖业专业户逐渐增多,致敏源相继发现,应引起重视 Aquaculture professional households gradually increased, allergens have been discovered, should pay attention
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教材简析:  义务教育课程标准实验教科书人教版语文三年级下册略读课文《想别人没想到的》,讲述的是一位画师考查三个徒弟,看谁能在一张同样大小的纸上画出的骆驼最多。大徒弟画满了很小很小的骆驼;二徒弟画的是许许多多骆驼的头;小徒弟虽然只画了两只骆驼,一只完整,一只紧跟其后只露出一个脑袋,但画面却营造出络绎不绝的骆驼群的意境,让人拍案叫绝。课文的题目揭示了这篇文章的中心,插图揭示了小徒弟画面的内容。课文虽