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目前,随着信息技术的发展以及其广泛应用,初中教育对信息技术的引用也越来越广泛。可以说,未来社会将是信息技术高度发展的时代,在学生教育时代引入信息教育不仅能为学生未来发展奠定良好的基础,适应信息时代发展的需要,更能为信息时代的发展提供人才和技术保障。广大初中教师要结合教育资源以及现代社会的实际,提高学生掌握信息技术重要性的认识。通过丰富多样的活动来激发学生学习信息技术的热情。营造轻松愉快的课堂氛围。要对学生的信息技术学习进行难点突破,带领学生不攻破难点绝不罢休。由于受课堂教学时间的限制,教师可以通过引导学生课下互助学习来弥补课堂教学的不足。充分利用课上及课外教育教学资源,拓展丰富教育手段和形式,通过组织学生进行竞争性活动,提高学生的竞争意识。 At present, with the development of information technology and its wide application, the reference to information technology in junior secondary education is also more and more widely. It can be said that the future society will be an era of highly developed information technology. The introduction of information education in the era of student education will not only lay a good foundation for the future development of students, meet the needs of the development of the information age, but also provide talents and technologies for the development of the information age Protection. The majority of junior high school teachers should combine their educational resources with the reality of modern society to raise their awareness of the importance of information technology. Motivate students to learn information technology through a variety of activities. Create a relaxed atmosphere in the classroom. To the student information technology learning difficult breakthroughs, leading students not to break through the difficulties never give up. Due to the limitation of classroom teaching time, teachers can make up for the deficiency of classroom teaching by guiding students to study under the class. Make full use of teaching resources in extracurricular and extra-curricular education, expand the means and forms of rich education, and enhance student awareness of competition by organizing students to conduct competitive activities.
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