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新兵连训练结束后,我被分到警卫连,说白了就是成天执勤站岗的连队。在外人看来,执勤站岗无非是大活人往那一戳就完了,其实,这里边也有许多令人喷饭的事。最幸运的哨兵站岗讲究军姿端正、军容严整,平时,我们除了站岗,干得最多的就是洗军装,洗去站岗时留下的汗渍。一次,集团军来我旅检查工作,上下午各安排了一次执勤任务。上午执勤时,上等兵李大力的岗哨正好处在一棵梧桐树下,快结束时,一只顽皮的小鸟在他的帽子上留下了一坨白色的东西。我们调侃道:“李大力真是这次勤务最幸运的哨兵。”吃过午饭就要继续上岗,李大力匆匆把帽子洗了,戴着湿漉 Recruits even after the training, I was assigned to the security company, to put it plainly is the company standing guard on duty all day. In the view of outsiders, duty on duty is nothing more than a big living to the stamp on the end, in fact, here there are many things to eat. The most fortunate sentry station pay attention to military posture, military integrity, usually, in addition to standing guard, we did the most is to wash the military uniform, washed to leave the perspiration stains. Once, the group army came to our brigade to inspect the work and arranged a duty on duty in the afternoon and on the afternoon. On duty in the morning, the superior guard Li Dagai sentry just in a sycamore tree, near the end, a naughty bird in his hat left a lump of white things. We joked: “Li Dali is really the most fortunate Sentinel service. ” Eat lunch will continue to come on stage, Li hastily washed the hat, wearing a wet
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数学新课程实施问题分析以及对策分析。 An Analysis of the Problems in the Implementation of New Mathematical Courses and Analysis of Countermeasures .
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