除却利民无所求——访蒲江县交通局局长 潘凤田

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近年来,中共浦江县委、县政府紧紧围绕经济建设这个中心,抓住国家实施西部大开发战略的机遇,加大加快县、乡、村公路建设、成(都)雅(安)高速公路的贯通,川西旅游环线蒲江段的建成,使蒲江县公路形成了以高等级公路为骨架,县、乡、村道为网络的快速通畅的大交通格局。公路建设的腾飞改善了蒲江经济的投资环境,给蒲江经济带来了新的发展机遇。近日,记者在川西旅游环线蒲江段开通之际,采访了蒲江县交通局潘凤田局长。今年48岁的潘凤田在任蒲江县交通局局长之前,是蒲江县纪委常委兼办公室主任。潘局长同记者谈起蒲江交通建设的情况,绘声绘色,如数家珍。 In recent years, Pujiang County Party Committee and County Government of the CCP, centering on the center of economic construction, seize the opportunity of the state to implement the strategy of developing the western region and step up efforts to speed up the construction of the roads in the counties, townships and villages as well as the Chengdu-Ya’an Expressway The construction of the Pujiang section of the tourism circle in western Sichuan completes the rapid and unobstructed traffic pattern with the high-grade highway as the backbone, the county, township and village roads as the network. The take-off of highway construction has improved the economic investment environment of Pujiang and brought new development opportunities to Pujiang economy. Recently, reporters in the western Sichuan tourism circle Pujiang section opened on the occasion, interviewed Panjiang County Bureau of Transportation Pan Fengtian Secretary. Pan Fengtian, 48, is the director of Pujiang County Commission for Discipline Inspection and director of the office before he serves as director of the Bureau of Communications of Pujiang County. Mr. Pan talked with reporters about the construction of Pujiang traffic construction.
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