保护消费者权益 IT起而行

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近年来,金融消费者权益保护正成为我国金融领域日益关注的话题。今年年初的全国金融工作会议明确把“切实保护消费者的合法权益,加强消费者权益保护工作”列为今年金融业的工作重点,来自全国消协组织统计的消费者投诉情况显示,目前我国金融业消费者投诉量正呈现岀逐年上升的趋势。特别是随着互联网、移动网络、智能终端等新技术在金融行业的广泛应用,消费者权益保护中,科技呈现岀双生身份的特点。它既是各种新业务 In recent years, the protection of the rights and interests of financial consumers is becoming a topic of growing concern in China’s financial sector. At the beginning of this year, the National Financial Work Conference explicitly listed “effectively protecting the legitimate rights and interests of consumers and strengthening the protection of consumers’ rights” as the focus of the financial industry this year. Consumer complaints from the statistics of the Consumers Association of China showed that at present The volume of consumer complaints in the financial industry in China is showing an upward trend year by year. Especially with the wide application of new technologies such as the Internet, mobile networks and smart terminals in the financial industry and the protection of consumers’ rights and interests, science and technology are characterized by unique identities. It is both new business
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