
来源 :Chinese Medical Journal | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:coralcn
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Objective A certain fraction of patients failed palliative treatment of 153Sm-ethylenediaminetetramethy lenephosphate ( 153Sm-EDTMP) for painful skeletal metastases were reviewd. A comparative analysis was designed to identify the factors related to therapeutic response. Methods From a 3-year multi-center clinical trial, 51 cases were collected who did not respond to an intravenous injection of 153Sm-EDTMP at a dosage of 0.5-1.5 mCi/kg. The therapeutic efficacy was evaluated via changes of symptoms, general condition, consumption of analgesics, sum of effect product, and Karnofsky scores. The age, sex, history of treatment, tumor type, location of bony involvement, uptake ratio and number of metastases, and doses used by the patients were compared to those of the responders. Results In 51 non-responders, 43 were male, 34 suffered from lung cancer, 41 had bone lesions in the vertebrae, 39 in the pelvis, and 24 had metastases in the lower extremities. Sex distribution, tumor type and location of the lesion differed significantly between responders and non-responders. No other factor showed differences between the two groups. Though patients of younger age, and lesions with lower uptake of radiopharmaceutical seemed to fail the treatment more easily as observed clinically, this was not confirmed by statistical analysis. Conclusion The sex of the patients, certain types of primary tumors and metastases to lower parts of the body were found to influence the patients’ response to a single dose of 153Sm-EDTMP palliation. Further exploration of a better way to determine dosage and predict response for each individual case is needed. Objective A certain fraction of patients failed palliative treatment of 153Sm-ethylenediaminetetramethy lenephosphate (153Sm-EDTMP) for painful skeletal metastases were reviewd. A comparative analysis was designed to identify the factors related to therapeutic response. Methods From a 3-year multi-center clinical trial, 51 cases were who who did not respond to an intravenous injection of 153Sm-EDTMP at a dosage of 0.5-1.5 mCi / kg. The therapeutic efficacy was evaluated via changes of symptoms, general conditions, consumption of analgesics, sum of effect product , and Karnofsky scores. The age, sex, history of treatment, tumor type, location of bony involvement, uptake ratio and number of metastases, and doses used by the patients were compared to those of the responders. Results In 51 non-responders, 43 were male, 34 suffered from lung cancer, 41 had bone lesions in the vertebrae, 39 in the pelvis, and 24 had metastases in the lower extremities. Sex distribution, tum or type and location of the lesion differed significantly from responders and non-responders. No other factor showed differences between the two groups. Though patients of younger age, and lesions with lower uptake of radiopharmaceutical seemed to fail the treatment more easily as observed clinically, Conclusion was sex of the patients, certain types of primary tumors and metastases to lower parts of the body were found to influence the patients’ response to a single dose of 153Sm-EDTMP palliation. Further exploration of a better way to exact dosage and predict response for each individual case is needed.
说到奥迪R8,相信大家也不会感觉陌生。这款凝结奥迪最高科技的超级跑车,在2000年至今的12年间,奥迪R系列勒芒赛车先后十次揽下勒芒24小时耐力赛的冠军奖杯,同时还在北美耐力赛中屡创辉煌。在珠海国际赛车场,8辆奥迪R8 5.2 FSI quattro(以下简称R8 5.2)一字排开,来自德国的教练为我们设计了很多丰富的训练科目,体验奥迪的操控之旅。  在赛道上,奥迪R8这款超跑有什么表现呢?——拭
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