
来源 :新疆地方志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiaogengwhy
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自治区第二次地方志工作会议之后,《新疆通志》各专志编委会编辑室认真地传达学习了会议精神。自治区民委、科委、体委,交通厅、畜牧厅、财政厅、总工会、化工总公司、新疆军区、文联、地矿局、、有色局、计量局、农业厅、商业厅、卫生厅,生产建设兵团等单位专志编委会的领导,还采取具体措施,解决了修志工作中的实际问题。 《军事志》结合评稿,开了六天会议。新疆军区副司令员李正忠中将到会作了重要讲话。他说铁木尔·达瓦买提主席和富文同志的讲话是自治区党委和政府对修志工作的布署和要求,要认真贯彻落实;要稳定队伍,提高素质,增强责任感和紧迫感,保证志书质 After the second local chronicles conference of the autonomous region, the editorial board of the editorial board of “Xinjiang Annals” monographs seriously communicated and learned the spirit of the conference. Autonomous regions and municipalities, science and technology committees, commissioners, transportation hall, animal husbandry hall, finance department, trade union, chemical corporation, Xinjiang Military Region, Federation of Literary and Mineral Resources, Geology and Mineral Resources Bureau, Bureau of Metrology, agriculture, commerce, Production and Construction Corps and other units dedicated editorial board leadership, but also to take concrete measures to solve the practical problems in the work of Chi. “Military Chi” combined with the review, opened a six-day meeting. Lieutenant General Li Zhengzhong, deputy commander of the Xinjiang Military Region, made an important speech here. He said that the statements made by Chairman Timothy Da Wamay and Comrade Fu Wen are the deployment and requirements of the party committees and governments in the autonomous region in the work of reorganization and that they should be conscientiously implemented; the need to stabilize the ranks, enhance their quality, enhance their sense of responsibility and urgency, ensure Zhi Zhi quality
本周占据强势行业排行榜前10名的行业与上周基本一致,表明这些行业板块股票承接上周涨势,本周持续强势,农产品仍居榜首,其余依次是:煤炭、化肥农药、休闲用品、饲养 This we