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例1, 女性,41岁。因无诱因颈前右侧肿物半年,1989年9月入院。住院号:27522。体检:一般情况好,中下颈右侧可见局部隆起,皮肤无异常,随呼吸活动。肿物约3×2cm,表面光整,实性感。B超示:右侧甲状腺外极囊性占位。余辅助检查均正常。临床诊断:右侧甲状腺囊腺瘤。颈丛麻醉施术见:右侧颈内静脉与肩胛舌骨肌交界处,呈球状膨凸,约3×3cm。局部张力大。甲状腺无结节及肿物,周围亦未扪及肿大淋巴结。切除球状颈内静脉段,并在局部置银夹标志。术后7天拆线出院。3月后复查局部无异常。B超示:原诊占位区及颈部未发现异常声光团。 例2,女,46岁。因颈部肿物3个月,1991年1月入院,住院号:34280。体检:一般情况好,颈前右侧较对侧饱满,无触痛及异常搏动。甲状腺右叶下极扪 Example 1, female, 41 years old. He was admitted to hospital in September 1989 because he had no incentive to have a tumor on the right side of the neck for six months. Hospital number: 27522. Physical examination: The general situation is good, local bulge can be seen on the right side of the neck, no abnormal skin, with respiratory activity. The mass is about 3 × 2cm, the surface is smooth, and it’s sexy. B-show: right thyroid external cystic space occupation. All auxiliary tests are normal. Clinical diagnosis: Right cystic adenoma. Cervical plexus anesthesia was performed at the junction of the right internal jugular vein and the scapular hyoid muscle, showing a bulbous bulge, approximately 3 x 3 cm. Local tension is large. The thyroid gland has no nodules and tumors, and there are no surrounding enlarged lymph nodes. The spherical internal jugular vein segment was removed and the silver clip was placed in place. She was discharged after 7 days of surgery. After 3 months, there was no local abnormality. B-ultrasound showed that no abnormal sound and light groups were found in the occupational area and neck of the original diagnosis. Example 2, female, 46 years old. He was admitted to hospital in January 1991 with a neck mass of 3 months and hospital number: 34280. Physical examination: In general, the right side of the neck is fuller than the opposite side without tenderness and abnormal pulsation. Thyroid right lower lobe
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