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关于如何评定国际技术转让中限制性惯例的国际标准问题,在联合国《国际技术转让行动守则》(以下简称“守则”)的谈判中得到了充分体现。从1974年联大通过决议要求制定一项关于技术转让的国际行动守则到1985年联合国国际技术转让行动守则会议第六届会议的结束,守则的谈判已历时十载有余。在这长时间的谈判中,谈判各方已议定了守则的大部分条文,但在构成守则核心内容的第四章、第九章上仍然存在着严重分歧,并因此导致谈判破裂,陷入僵局。守则的第四章是以禁止性规范的形式规定技术转让中当事人不作为的义务,主要是针对技术转让中的限制性惯例,它是守则最重要的部分。在历次谈判中,第四章成为各方争论的焦点,也是至今不能达成协议的关键所在。 The question of how to assess international standards for restrictive practices in the transfer of international technology was fully reflected in the negotiation of the United Nations “Code of Action for International Technology Transfer” (hereinafter referred to as the “Code”). From the 1974 resolution passed by the General Assembly to the establishment of a code of international action on technology transfer to the end of the sixth session of the United Nations Conference on the International Code of Conduct for Technology Transfer of 1985, the negotiation of the Code has taken more than ten days. During this long period of negotiations, the negotiating parties have agreed on most of the provisions of the code, but there are still serious differences in the fourth and ninth chapters that constitute the core content of the Code. As a result, negotiations have broken down and become deadlocked. The fourth chapter of the Code stipulates the obligations of the parties in the transfer of technology in the form of prohibitive norms. It mainly focuses on restrictive practices in technology transfer. It is the most important part of the code. In previous negotiations, the fourth chapter has become the focus of debate among all parties and is the key to the failure to reach an agreement so far.
英语句子中定语的词序一般是较为固定的。但是,由于某种原因,其较固定的词序有时也会出现变异。常见的有下列几种情况: 一、颠倒有些名词,尤其是一些含有动作意义的名词,常带
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曾经读过一篇纪实文学作品。1964 年,作家陆文夫怀着绝望的心情,曾两次爬上灵谷塔想了结一生。第一次他爬到塔顶,往下一看,山谷之中松涛起伏,仿佛于冥冥中给他一种生命的启示
作为一种非生产性活动,服务已成为社会经济不可或缺的部分。《服务、服务贸易和服务贸易总协定》介绍了中国服务业的现状,并分析加入服务贸易总协定的利弊。 As a non-produ
我们常用“when,while,after,before,as soon as”、“if,unless,as long as”、“though,although”、“as,because,since”等从属连词引导时间状语从句、条件状语从句、让