Incidental gall bladder cancers:Are they truly incidental?

来源 :World Journal of Gastrointestinal Oncology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:binwuwu
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AIM: To seek and analyze features suggestive of gallbladder cancer(GBC) on preoperative imaging and intraoperative findings in patients diagnosed as having incidental GBC(IGBC). METHODS: The study was conducted on 79 patients of IGBC managed in our department over a 10-year period(2003-2012). Review of preoperative imaging and operative notes was done to ascertain any suspicion of malignancy-in-retrospect.RESULTS: Of the 79 patients, Ultrasound abdomen showed diffuse thickening, not suspicious of malignancy in 5 patients, and diffuse suspicious thickening was seen in 4 patients. Focal thickening suspicious of malignancy was present in 24 patients. Preoperative computed tomography/magnetic resonance imaging was done in 9 patients for suspicion of malignancy. In 5 patients, dif-ficult Cholecystectomy was encountered due to dense/inflammatory adhesions. Intraoperative findings showed focal thickening of the gallbladder and a gallbladder mass in 9 and 17 patients respectively. On overall analysis, 37 patients had preoperative imaging or intraoperative findings suggestive of malignancy, which was either a missed GBC or an unsuspected/unexpected GBC. In 42(53.2%) patients, there was no evidence suggestive of malignancy and was an unanticipated diagnosis.CONCLUSION: Our study highlights a potential and not-so-rare pitfall of Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy. A greater awareness of this clinical entity along with a high index of suspicion and a low threshold for conversion to open procedure, especially in endemic areas may avert avoidable patient morbidity and mortality. AIM: To seek and analyze features proposedive of gallbladder cancer(GBC) on preoperative imaging and intraoperative findings in patients diagnosed as having incidental GBC(IGBC). METHODS: The study was conducted on 79 patients of IGBC managed in our department over a 10- Year period(2003-2012). Review of preoperative imaging and operative notes was done to ascertain any suspicion of malignancy-in-retrospect.RESULTS: Of the 79 patients, Ultrasound abdomen showed thermogenic thickening, not suspicious of malignancy in 5 patients, and Diffuse suspicious thickening was seen in 4 patients. Focal thickening suspicious of malignancy was present in 24 patients. Preoperative computed tomography/magnetic resonance imaging was done in 9 patients for suspicion of malignancy. In 5 patients, dif-ficult Cholecystectomy was encountered due to dense /inflammatory adhesions. Intraoperative appearance focally thick of the gallbladder and a gallbladder mass in 9 and 17 patients respectively. On overall a Nalysis, 37 patients had preoperative imaging or intraoperative assessment proposedive of malignancy, which was either a missed GBC or an unsuspected/unexpected GBC. In 42(53.2%) patients, there was no evidence suggestedive of malignancy and was an unanticipated diagnosis.CONCLUSION: Our study highlights a potential and not-so-rare pitfall of Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy. A greater awareness of this clinical entity along with a high index of suspicion and a low threshold for conversion to open procedure, especially in endemic areas may avert avoidable patient morbidity and Mortality.
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