Leaf Turgor Potential, Plant Growth and Photosynthesis in Organically Fertilized Sweet Corn

来源 :Pedosphere | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:linjianvhai
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A greenhouse pot experiment was conducted using a complete random design with six replications. A pressure-volume curve analysis was employed to study the effects of organic fertilizers on plant water relations in sweet corn (Zea mays L. cv. Honey-bantam) in terms of leaf osmotic concentration (Cs), osmotic potentials at full turgid status (πFT) and at incipient plasmolysis (πIP), and of symplastic (ζsym) and apoplastic (ζapo) fractions in the tissue water compartment in relation to photosynthetic capacity (Pc) and dry mass accumulation. At the seedling stage (day 15), plants with chemical fertilizer treatments showed lower πFT, πIP and ζapo and higher Cs, ζsym and PC than those with organic fertilizer treatments. Compared to PC and relative growth, where values from day 15 to day 75 were first lower for organic treatments and then higher, ζsym and Cs values were similar, while πFT and πIP were opposite being higher then lower. Dry mass production with organic fertilizer was higher than or cl A greenhouse pot experiment was conducted using a complete random design with six replications. A pressure-volume curve analysis was employed to study the effects of organic fertilizers on plant water relations in sweet corn (Zea mays L. cv. Honey-bantam) terms of leaf osmotic concentration (Cs), osmotic potentials at full turgid status (πFT) and at incipient plasmolysis (πIP), and of symplastic (ζsym) and apoplastic (ζapo) fractions in the tissue water compartment in relation to photosynthetic capacity At the seedling stage (day 15), plants with chemical fertilizer treatments showed lower πFT, πIP and ζapo and higher Cs, ζsym and PC than those with organic fertilizer treatments. Compared to PC and relative growth, where values ​​from day 15 to day 75 were first lower for organic treatments and then higher, ζsym and Cs values ​​were similar, while πFT and πIP were opposite being higher then lower. Dry mass production with organic fertilizer was higher than or cl
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敢于担当是对政工干部的基本要求,习近平总书记提出共产党人要敢于担当,做到“既严以修身、严以用权、严以律己,又谋事要实、创业要实、做人要实”这是总书记对各级党员干部的标准,也是肩负思想政治工作的政工人履职尽责、担当有为的总要求。  一、首位度是讲政治  讲政治是政工干部的首要担当,加强自律、慎独慎微,经常对照党章检查自己的言行,加强党性修养,陶冶道德情操,永葆政工人政治本色。在私底下、无人时、细微处
党的十八大以来,习近平总书记围绕全面从严治党,先后提出的“三严三实”、“20字”好干部标准,与心中有党、心中有民、心中有责、心中有戒“四有”要求,互为联系,本质一致,内涵相通。  一、心中有党,增强政治定力  对党忠诚是对共产党人的最基本要求。(一)坚定党的信念。牢固确立政治意识、大局意识、核心意识、看齐意识,切实增强道路自信、理论自信、制度自信、文化自信,筑牢理想信念灵魂,锤炼优良政治品格,真正
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