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文化,是人类在社会历史发展过程中所创造的物质财富和精神财富的总和。文化传统的影响是潜藏的、深层的,又是基础的,它几乎无处不在,成为人们行为的内心动因。近年来,腐败现象不仅没有得到根本的遏止,反而愈演愈烈,而且在一定程度上蔓延、泛化。究其成因,人们往往更多强调制度、机制、自律的因素,这当然是对的。但是,我们认为,腐败之风久刹不止,除了这些客观因素外,还因为它获得了一种文化上有力、稳定的支持。在这里,作者试将这种人类社会历史发展过程中逐渐形成的、比较稳固的、有广泛社会性的、有碍政治廉洁的精神内容定义为“非廉文化”。当体制、机制种种原因,与文化心态上的“非廉”理念契合,腐败的种子必将获得更为适合的气候、土壤,腐败的蔓延、泛化就成为必然。“非廉文化”的来源大致有两个。其一是本土传统文化中大量非廉文化因素,特别是延续了两千年之久的封建社会形态下的非廉文化传统,比如官本位、裙带风。其二是西方文化,特别是近年来大量涌入的资本主义社会形态中的非廉文化的影响,比如“金钱至上,惟利是图”、“享乐主义”。对非廉文化的点击和透视,分析其作为腐败行为的思想源头,是一篇刚刚破题的大文章。本文着重透视“非廉文化”中本土传统文化因素,意在审视我国传统文化,分析腐朽没落文化中的非廉文化对于腐败行为的影响,论证反腐制度建设中加强廉政文化建设的重要性和必要性。2005年1月,中共中央印发《建立健全教育、制度、监督并重的惩治和预防腐败体系实施纲要》,提出要大力加强廉政文化建设,积极推动廉政文化进机关、社区、家庭、学校、企业和农村,目的在于在全党全社会形成预防腐败的强大合力。廉政建设亟需先进的廉政文化的支撑。这正是作者写作本文的初衷。 Culture is the sum of material wealth and spiritual wealth created by mankind in the course of social and historical development. The influence of cultural traditions is hidden, deep and basic. It is almost ubiquitous and becomes the inner motivation of people's behavior. In recent years, not only has corruption not been fundamentally deterred, it has intensified, but to a certain extent, spread and generalization. The reason, people tend to place more emphasis on the system, mechanisms, self-discipline, which of course is right. However, we believe that there is a long history of corruption, in addition to these objective factors, and because it has gained a culturally strong and stable support. Here, the author attempts to define the “spirit of non-ethical culture” as a gradually formed, relatively stable and extensively social, impeding political integrity in the historical development of human society. When the system and the mechanism are all kinds of reasons, in line with the cultural concept of “non-cost” ideas, the seeds of corruption will surely get more suitable climate, soil and corruption spread and generalization becomes inevitable. There are roughly two sources of “non-ethical culture.” One is the large number of non-Confucian cultural factors in local traditional culture, especially the non-cheap cultural traditions of two thousand years of feudal social formation, such as official standard and dignity. The second is Western culture, especially the influence of non-cost culture in the capitalist society that has flooded in recent years, such as “money comes first, merits and demerits” and “hedonism.” Clicks and perspectives on non-Honest culture, analysis of their ideological origins as corrupt practices, is a big debut article. This paper focuses on the perspective of traditional local culture in “Non-Honest Culture”, examines the traditional culture of our country, analyzes the influence of non-Honest culture on corrupt behavior in decaying and declining culture, and demonstrates the importance and necessity of strengthening anti-corruption culture in the construction of anti-corruption system Sex. In January 2005, the CPC Central Committee issued the Compendium of Implementing a System of Punishing and Preventing Corruption, Equal Attention to Education, Institutions and Supervision, and proposed that we should vigorously step up the building of a clean and honest culture and actively promote the culture of incorruptible government into the organs, communities, families, schools and enterprises and The purpose of the rural areas is to create a strong alliance in the entire party and society to prevent corruption. Honest and Clean Government Urgently Needs the Support of Advanced Honest and Clean Government. This is the original intention of the author writing this article.
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《华西药学杂志》是由教育部主管,四川大学和四川省药学会联合主办的药学类综合性学术刊物。国内外公开发行,CN 51-1218/R,ISSN 1006-0103。本刊于1988年至今被中国科技情报