Characteristics of transgenic tomatoes antisensed for the ethylene receptor genes LeERT1 and LeERT2

来源 :Journal of Zhejiang University Science(Life Science) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ninetails
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Two stable transformed lines containing antisense LeERT1 or LeERT2 sequences and their hybridized line were investigated to determine the effect of LeERT1 and LeERT2 specificity in the ethylene receptor family in tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) on ethylene signaling. The transgenic line ale1 containing antisense LeERT1 displayed shorter length of seedling grown in the dark and adult plant in the light, severe epinastic petiole, and accelerated abscission of petiole explant and senescence of flower explant, compared with its wild type B1. The transgenic line ale2 containing antisense LeERT2 also exhibited shorter hypocotyls and slightly accelerated abscission. The phenotypes of cross line dale of LeERT1 and LeERT2 were close to ale1 in many aspects. These results suggested that LeERT1 probably plays a relatively important role in ethylene signaling of tomato growth and development. Two stable transformed lines containing antisense LeERT1 or LeERT2 sequences and their hybridized lines were investigated to determine the effect of LeERT1 and LeERT2 specificity in the ethylene receptor family in tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) On ethylene signaling. The transgenic line ale1 containing antisense LeERT1 displayed shorter length of seedling grown in the dark and adult plant in the light, severe epinastic petiole, and accelerated abscission of petiole explant and senescence of flower explant, compared with its wild type B1. The transgenic line ale2 containing antisense LeERT2 also exhibits shorter shorter hypocotyls and slightly accelerated abscission. The phenotypes of cross line dale of LeERT1 and LeERT2 were close to ale1 in many aspects. These results suggest that LeERT1 probably plays a relatively important role in ethylene signaling of tomato growth and development.
一出描写周恩来同志青年时期革命实践活动的七场话剧《觉悟》,于“七一”前夕,在天津舞台上公演了。戏里写的是: 风起云涌的“五四”运动席卷祖国大地的时候,周恩来同志从日
这是一个稀世的宝库,为我们中华民族所拥有。它珍藏着一笔无可估量的思想财富,一代伟人智慧的结晶。 这笔财富是鲁迅先生留下的:在他的杂文、小说里,在他的书信、日记中。他