A Study on the “Five Development Concepts” and Comprehensive Development of the Social Economy in Et

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Development is the master key for resolving various problems in ethnic areas. During the process of development, we must have correct principles of development. During the “13th Five-Year Plan” period, it was acknowledged that the realization of the goal of building a moderately prosperous society, resolving its challenges, and grasping the advantages of development in ethnic areas must firmly establish and thoroughly conduct the development concepts of innovation, coordina ̄tion, green, openness and sharing. This article presents an evaluation framework of the “five de ̄velopment” concept, and then evaluates the devel ̄opment status of ethnic areas. Based on the results of this evaluation, it proposes approaches for inno ̄vation, coordination, green development, open ̄ness, and sharing in ethnic areas.
Innovation is the first driving force in guiding development;coordination is the requirement for a sustainable and healthy development; green or“green development” is a necessary condition for sustainable development and important for people’s pursuit of a good life;openness is the only road for a country’s prosperity and development; and sha ̄ring is the basic requirement of socialism with Chi ̄nese characteristics. This paper analyzes the status of innovation in ethnic areas from the innovations of products, technology, markets and systems, etc. And, it discovers that the general level of innova ̄tion in the eight ethnic provinces and districts of China ( Inner Mongolia, Guangxi, Tibet, Ningxia, Xinjiang, Guizhou, Yunnan and Qinghai) is low, and that the development of innovation is unbal ̄anced. Compared with the national average, devel ̄opment in these areas lags far behind. For the pur ̄pose of maintaining constant economic growth in the ethnic areas, and chasing after the level of de ̄veloped areas, the input in innovation must be in ̄creased, and the structure of innovation must be further optimized so that innovation becomes an im ̄portant driving force in economic development. Realizing innovative development in ethnic areas must depend on the effort of constructing its own learning ability. Laborers should get good educa ̄tion, good infrastructure should be built, and good innovation environmental programs should be crea ̄ted with the investment of the government.
Realization of harmonious regional develop ̄ment is the basic purpose of China’s regional devel ̄opment strategy. Understanding this from the angle of economics, the concept of coordination at least should include coordination among three elements, i. e. time, departments and space. The concept of coordination for development should be realized through market mechanisms in the competitive en ̄vironment, or through the rational intervention of the government. The concept of coordination for development discussed here mainly refers to the development of coordination of different regions and of urban and rural areas. Seeing from the perspec ̄tive of harmonious regional development, the de ̄velopment in the eight ethnic provinces and dis ̄tricts is actually imbalanced. In addition, urban-rural relationship is another important aspect of re ̄gional coordination development. The imbalanced development between urban and rural areas in Chi ̄na is not only reflected in income, but is even more reflected in basic public services. The ap ̄proaches for realizing the development of regional coordination in ethnic areas should 1 ) be com ̄bined with an economic support belt, and impor ̄tant lines of communication;2 ) guide the popula ̄tion and economic activities to move to important regions for development;and 3 ) take a path of in ̄clusive and green urbanization.
Green development is a basic element for sus ̄tainable development. The purpose of green devel ̄opment is to get solid growth, and avoid unsustain ̄able models. Green development will make the re ̄sources efficient, clean and resilient in the process of development. Green development requires con ̄sidering the environmental capacity or resource carrying capacity while pushing economic develop ̄ment. There are three factors in green growth, that it be: efficient, clean and resilient. Green devel ̄opment in ethnic areas is decided by its ecological location. Generally speaking, compared with the national level, both the efficiency of resource usage and carbon emission in ethnic areas is low; and environmental resilience is very different in various areas. Increasing the resource usage rate and re ̄ducing carbon emission are the main approaches for realizing green development in ethnic areas. The rich natural resources in ethnic areas are only a potential advantage, and not an economic advan ̄tage in reality. For the purpose of turning rich nat ̄ural resources into an economic advantage, and u ̄sing them to promote the regional economic devel ̄opment, one should depend on the property rights structure of natural resources, regional conditions of the area, the exploitation cost, the local tech ̄niques for transforming natural resources, and the market conditions. We should strive to develop green ecological economics, and realize the“Three-Wins” in growth, poverty alleviation, and ecolo ̄gy. According to the ecological advantages of the ethnic areas, as well as their ecological position in the whole country, we should rapidly develop green ecological industries ( eco-agriculture, eco-tourism, eco -industry ) , and make ecological economics become the important source for increas ̄ing the income of the poor population. This should be done by taking the rare ecological resources as the base, the market needs as guidance, the mod ̄ern business model as the carrier, and social cap ̄ital as the driving force. Moreover, we should make plans for green development , make clear its goals and steps, and implement the Green Industry Approach. We should enhance ecological construc ̄tion and protection; and initiate new progress in ecological civilization and poverty alleviation.
Openness or opening up is an inevitable course for the prosperity and development of a country or a district. Openness in ethnic areas in ̄cludes both external and internal openness. Exter ̄nal openness is opening up to other countries or districts, and internal openness is opening up to other areas within China. It could be noticed that external openness in the eight provinces and dis ̄tricts of ethnic areas in China is imbalanced. So, we should integrate it with the construction strategy of the “One Belt and One Road” program, and construct a new external opening up framework in an all-round way. Ethnic areas are core areas of and an important foundation for constructing of the Silk Road economic belt, and the 21st -century Maritime Silk Road. The ethnic areas should im ̄plement more actively the strategy of openness, and improve the strategic framework of opening up externally, construct new, open economic systems, expand new, open economic spaces so as to build the ethnic areas into important bridgeheads and create vital border economic belts opened to the west, north, and south of China.
Sharing the results of development by various ethnic groups, and realizing a common prosperity are the requirements of socialism. The nature of sharing development is inclusive, fair and benefi ̄cial. It further clarifies the keynotes of the rela ̄tionship between development and the people, and re-emphasizes that improving the benefits of the people, promoting the people’s development in all-round ways are starting points and goals of de ̄velopment. Poverty alleviation is the key in sharing development in the ethnic areas. The Central Pov ̄erty Alleviation and Development Work Conference proposed that “ the goal of poverty alleviation dur ̄ing ‘the 13 th Five-Year Plan’ is to win the battle against poverty, which includes ensuring food, clothing, compulsory education, basic medical service and housing security for the poor by 2020.” Furthermore,“precise poverty alleviation”is the basic strategy for fulfilling this goal. The foundation of “precise poverty alleviation” is to i ̄dentify poverty precisely, and to judge whether it belongs to income poverty or poverty by chance. Speaking from policy choice, we need to strength ̄en the self-development capability of poor popu ̄lations; speaking from project choice, we should evaluate whether it is pro -poor or pro -growth;speaking from industrial development, we should consider both the market choice and governmental support;and, speaking from spacial layout, a con ̄cept of sharing in development should be realized within centralized equalization.
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