全国建材局长会议根据中央精神确定 认真贯彻调整方针 积极发展建材生产 国务院领导听取建材工作汇报,并作重要指示

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建材工业要立足现有企业,抓好基本建设,调整内部结构,稳步改革体制,积极发展生产,提高经济效果,面向十亿人民,千方百计把生产搞上去,为国民经济建设和城乡人民住房建设提供更多更好的建筑材料和非金属矿产品,这是3月16日到25日在北京举行的全国省、市、自治区建材局长会议提出的建材工业在调整时期的任务和要求。会议前夕,万里、姚依林付总理、杜星垣秘书长等国务院领导同志听取了建材工业部的汇报。指出建材工业是国民经济的短线,很不适应国民经济发展和城乡人民住房建设的需要。要求从我国的国情出发,认真研究建筑材料的发展方向。要加快水泥、平板玻璃等建筑材料的发展。 The building materials industry should base itself on existing enterprises, do a good job of basic construction, adjust internal structures, steadily reform the system, actively develop production, improve economic efficiency, face up to one billion people, and do everything possible to increase production, and provide for the construction of the national economy and the construction of urban and rural people’s housing. More and better construction materials and non-metallic mineral products are the tasks and requirements of the building materials industry during the adjustment period proposed by the National Council of Building Materials of the provinces, cities and autonomous regions held in Beijing from March 16th to 25th. On the eve of the meeting, leaders of the State Council, including Wan Li, Yao Yilin, and Du Xingyu, and other leaders of the State Council heard the report of the Ministry of Building Materials Industry. It is pointed out that the building materials industry is a short-term national economy, and it does not meet the needs of the development of the national economy and the construction of urban and rural people’s housing. It is required to proceed from the national conditions of our country and earnestly study the development direction of building materials. To speed up the development of cement, flat glass and other building materials.
试点情况 一九七九年三月,《仪表行业模具生产专业化改造的设想》在《模具通讯》和市科协的《科技工作者建议》上发表以后,上海市经委专业化协作组给予我们很大的支持,79年7
时间:1981年1月20日主持人:张沛本刊主编王健本刊副主编李京文本刊副主编应邀出席的有: 陆宗贤建材规划院总工程师蒋文达建材规划院副总工程师吴中伟建材研究院总工程师黄大
西德机械制造协会(Vereins Deutscher Maschinen—bau—Anslalten)专用工具联合会(FachgemeinschaftPr(?)zisionswerkzeug)成立于1949年,到目前为止,产值达30亿西德马克,人