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党的十一届三中全会以来,特别是1981年国家对油田实行原油产量包干政策以来,我们胜利油田认真贯彻改革、开放的方针,积极进行改革,特别是全面推行多种形式的内部承包经营责任制,并围绕理顺内部经济关系,改善经营管理机制,进行了一系列配套改革,从而增强了活力,促进了勘探开发和生产建设的发展。到1988年底,油田超包原油共计5746万吨,得超包分成资金91亿元,其中85亿用于勘探开发,使累计石油地质储量、原油生产能力、原油年产量以及粮食生产等主要工农业生产指标实现了翻番。其中:原油年产量连续7年大幅度增长,从1611万吨增加到3330万吨,净增1719万吨,占同期全国原油年产增长量的48%。8年累计生产的原油比包干的 Since the Third Plenary Session of the 11th Party Central Committee, especially since 1981 when the country implemented a crude oil production lump-sum policy for oil fields, we have conscientiously implemented the policy of reform and opening up and actively carried out reforms, especially in the form of comprehensive implementation of various forms of internal contracting operations. Responsibility system, and around the rationalization of internal economic relations, improve the operation and management mechanism, carried out a series of supporting reforms, thereby enhancing the vitality and promoting the development of exploration and development and production and construction. By the end of 1988, the oil field had exceeded 57.46 million tons of ultra-packaged crude oil, and 9.1 billion yuan in extra-packaged funds had been allocated, of which 8.5 billion was used for exploration and development, and cumulative petroleum geological reserves, crude oil production capacity, annual crude oil production, and grain production were the main industries and agriculture. Production indicators have doubled. Among them, the annual output of crude oil has increased substantially for seven consecutive years, from 16.11 million tons to 33.30 million tons, a net increase of 17.19 million tons, accounting for 48% of the annual increase in crude oil production in the same period. Accumulated production of crude oil for 8 years
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