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首尔1988在能影响比赛结果的国家中,只有古巴和埃塞俄比亚没在首尔出现。随着政治在很大程度上淡出,兴奋剂开始玷污国际奥林匹克运动,例如Ben Johnson在100米短跑中战胜Carl Lewis而获胜,但赛后却被查出呈合成类固醇阳性。 Seoul 1988 Only Cuba and Ethiopia did not appear in Seoul in countries that could affect the results of the competition. As politics faded to a large extent, stimulants began to sully the international Olympic movement. For example, Ben Johnson won the 100-meter sprint to defeat Carl Lewis but was found to be positive for synthetic steroids after the game.
法学院入学考试(LSAT,Law School Admission Test),是美国法学院入学委员会(Law School Admission Council简称LSAC)为其下200多所法学院设置的入学资格考试,这些法学院多数
求职时你需要事先准备好回答一些面试问题。下面所列举的一些问题及回答,是求职面试时的一些典型问题。阅读时先想想你将如何回答,再去看提供的例子。 When you are looking
读者张洋的原文: Life is Like Playing Snooker As the finals near, schoolmates are very “active”. Some are immersing themselves in copying others’ notebooks, b
生活在中国的“老外”非常苦恼,他们被五花八门的拼音书写所困扰。Picture this—you’re in Shanghai,sitting in a hotel room,with five different maps of the city spra
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Passage 1 Questions 1 to 5 are based on the passage. Where do pesticides fit into the picture of environmental disease? We have seen that they now pollute soil,