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策划人语:《监督法》实施两年来,重庆市人大常委会积极贯彻落实,创造性地开展监督工作,逐步积累了经验,为地方立法打了下坚实基础。近日,在重庆市三届人大常委会第七次会议上,备受关注的《重庆市实施监督法办法(草案)》终于浮出水面。该办法的制定,标志着重庆市人大的监督工作将步入制度化、规范化轨道,这对于在我市坚持和完善人民代表大会制度,健全人大监督机制,促进“一府两院”依法行政、公正司法,推进社会主义民主法制建设具有重要意义。该办法(草案)紧密结合重庆实际,以《监督法》为依据,在增强可操作性上下功夫,充分体现坚持党的领导、人民当家作主和依法治国三者有机统一。在加强和规范人大常委会监督职权同时,注意正确处理人大监督与坚持党的领导,人大监督与支持“一府两院”行使职权的关系,体现了集体监督、民主监督、监督公开等基本原则,受到了常委会委员们的一致肯定。 Planning language: “Supervision Law,” the implementation of the past two years, Chongqing Municipal People’s Congress actively implement and creatively carry out supervision, and gradually accumulated experience for the local legislation laid a solid foundation. Recently, at the 7th meeting of the Standing Committee of the Third Session of the Chongqing Municipal People’s Congress, the “Measures for the Implementation of Supervision in Chongqing Municipality (Draft)”, which received much attention, finally surfaced. The formulation of this measure marks the supervisory work of the Chongqing Municipal People’s Congress going into a institutionalized and standardized track. This is of great significance to upholding and perfecting the people’s congress system in our city, perfecting the supervisory mechanism of the NPC and promoting “one government and two houses” according to law Administrative, just judiciary, promote socialist democracy and legal system of great significance. Based on the “Law on Supervision” and in close connection with the actual situation in Chongqing, the draft (draft) has made great efforts to enhance maneuverability and fully reflects the organic unity of upholding the leadership of the party, people being the masters of the country and governing the country according to law. While strengthening and standardizing the oversight powers of the NPC Standing Committee, we should pay attention to correctly handling the people’s congress’s supervision and adherence to the party’s leadership, oversight and support by the NPC, and the relationship between “exercising power and authority by one government and two chambers” and embodying collective supervision, democratic supervision and supervision and openness The basic principle has been unanimously approved by the members of the Standing Committee.
热点一 结合向量考查三角函数的图象和性质问题  三角函数性质的考查,不仅考查函数的有关概念,还考查三角变换技巧,包括三角函数的奇偶性、对称性、单调性与函数图象的交点坐标及图象变换等问题. 解此类问题一定要注意三角函数的周期在解题中的决定作用.  例1 已知向量[a=(cosωx-sinωx,sinωx)],[b=(-cosωx-sinωx,23cosωx)],设函数[f(x)=a?b][+λ][(
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一  “忧伤的人最肥美啊……”  一想起这句话,罗克就忍不住打了个冷战。  那个黑黑的像浓烟一样的妖怪,比房子还要高!趁着大家都睡熟的时候,妖怪一扭一扭地飘进了阿婆家的院子,把头伸进了阿婆卧室的窗子,没想到就在这时,街对面的罗克因为睡不着,打开了窗子,想呼吸点新鲜空气,却猛然看到这恐怖的大家伙,他吓得叫了出来!  “啊——”  声音不大,但却穿过了夜深人静的街道,被妖怪听见了。妖怪把头从窗子里收了
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目的分析我院自2003年至2010年对130例急腹症的临床诊治体会。方法对我院2003至2010年间诊治130例急腹症患者临床资料进行分析。结果 130例患者病种繁多,涉及普外、妇科、泌