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“为什么下水道检修孔的盖子是园的?” 这乃是微软面试时的一道问题,用于测试应聘者的机敏程度。 天知道要怎样回答才能“达标”。但,可能令面试官员颔首的回答或许是: 因为检修孔是园的…… 园盖可以沿街滚动,方形或三角形是不行的…… 园盖才不可能掉进园形的检修孔,方盖却可能掉入方形的检修孔中…… 按肩膀的长形,通过园孔下去检修,要比其他形状的容易些…… 1996年,有一位名叫海登的工商管理专业学生,想进微软的生产部门工作。面试时,他被要求设计一幅宣传自己才能的广告。他被告知:“不是用来登在报屁股上的;它将在《华尔街日报》上占整整一个版面。他还被 “Why is the sewer manhole cover a garden?” This is a Microsoft interview when a problem, used to test the degree of alertness of candidates. God knows how to answer “standard”. However, the interviewer may be the chief answer may answer is: because the manhole is the garden ... Park cover can be rolled along the street, square or triangle is not enough ... Park cover can not fall into the garden access hole, square cover is May fall into the square of the manhole ... ... according to shoulder long shape, go through the garden hole overhaul than other shapes easier ... ... In 1996, a business professor named Hayden students want to enter Microsoft Production department work. During the interview, he was asked to design an advertisement to promote his talents. He was told: "Not used to board the butt; it’s going to take a whole page in the Wall Street Journal.
编辑同志: 读贵刊1991;11(6):380刊登的由李友存等撰写的“中医药治疗原发性血小板减少性紫癜现状分析”一文,受到很大启发,随后试着用于临床治疗过敏性紫癜等病,取得较满意
Sichuan Medicine 1989; 10(2):78. This paper reports the effects and theircomparison of treatment for 76 cases of chronicgastritis with ulcerlmin and gentamycin
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南宁市中药厂位于南宁市西郊风景秀丽的邕江河畔。它建于1975年元月,当时只有职工200人,固定资产几十万元,仅有丸剂、散剂、酒剂等三个传统剂型十多个产品。 16年来,尤其是
妻子有哪些“红灯”,丈夫必须引起高度警戒呢?有人以“妻子最忌讳什么”为题进行研究,结果表明,妻子最忌讳的依次是: 第一,93%的妻子最忌讳在夫妻争吵时,丈夫开口便叫“滚”