
来源 :思想政治教育研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ayelili
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网络咨询辅导方法已经成为网络思想政治教育重要的具体实践方法之一。网络咨询辅导方法与现实思想政治教育咨询辅导具有不同的内涵、特点和运用原则及条件。网络咨询辅导方法是指网络思想政治教育主体根据现实社会和虚拟社会发展的要求以及网络受众思想道德水平实际状况和发展的需要,通过基于互联网络一定的虚拟空间环境,就网络受众有关的思想、政治、道德、心理等方面问题,运用商讨、协商、指导、引导等方式和手段的总和。 Network counseling methods have become one of the important practical methods of network ideological and political education. Network counseling methods and the ideological and political education counseling counseling has different connotation, characteristics and the use of principles and conditions. The network counseling method refers to the main body of the network ideological and political education in accordance with the requirements of the actual social and virtual social development as well as the actual status and development of the network audience’s ideological and moral level through the Internet based on a certain virtual space environment on the Internet audiences related thinking, Political, moral, psychological and other issues, the use of discussion, consultation, guidance, guidance and other means and means of the sum.
消化性溃疡(PU)目前被公认是一种源于社会-心理-生物医学模式下的疾病,发病与心理社会因素密切相关[1].Jones[2~4]提出, PU病人并发重度抑郁、焦虑心理.在生物医学模式转变带
With the development of communication systems,computer networks,and other information and communication technology(ICT)infrastructures,challenges in communicati
学前教育专业钢琴教学中应重视培养学生学习钢琴的兴趣,训练弹奏钢琴的正确手型及姿势,养成严格正确的识谱习惯。 Piano teaching in pre-school education should pay grea
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