
来源 :联合国青年技术培训 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cse_gzzhu
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  Jan Eliasson, the Deputy Secretary-General, stressed the need of international community addressing chronic humanitarian needs and crises in Africa at UN Headquarters on the work of the African Regional Economic Communities.
  “Africa is particularly vulnerable to the threat posed by climate change. Droughts, floods and unpredictable weather are displacing populations, devastating areas and generating competition for scarce resources that can even lead to conflict. These crises affect tens of millions of people every year. The poor and the most vulnerable, including women, children, and the elderly are hit hardest. Individuals are devastated and whole economies can lose hard-won progress,” Mr. Eliasson said
  Mr. Eliasson underlined that to reach the MDGs by 2015, chronic crises need to be addressed. “Countries have primary responsibility to respond to humanitarian crises and disasters, but they need international solidarity. When we work together, we can help all States cope with the threat of disasters,” Mr. Eliasson suggested.
  “I welcome the proposals made so far to build and reinforce regional capacities,” he added.
R.I.S.E.和CYS项目都是为了帮助青年们实现自己的目标和自给自足而设立的。责任、独立、支持、许可是R.I.S.E.的基本宗旨。两种项目都是在R.I.S.E.体系中运营的, R.I.S.E.为青年们的学习、生活、就业提供了良好的机会。但是这两个计划并不相同。CYS属于独立的生活项目,在R.I.S.E.体系中有全职的独立生活项目经理。而R.I.S.E.项目员工在青年们入学之前就开始进行管理并提供
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