一、违反工程招标投标管理规定的行为 1.按照规定应该招标的工程不招标 根据建设部《关于进一步加强工程招标投标管理的规定》,凡政府投资(包括政府参股投资和政府提供保证的使用国外贷款进行转贷的投资),国有、集体所有制单位及其控股的投资以及国有、集体所有制单位控股的股份制企业投资的工程,除涉及国家安全的保密工程,抢险救灾等特殊工程和省、自治区、直辖市人民政府规定的限额以下小型工程外,都必须实行招标
I. Violations of the Regulations on the Administration of Project Bidding and Tendering 1. The project that is subject to bidding in accordance with regulations shall not be tendered in accordance with the “Regulations on Further Strengthening the Management of Project Bidding and Bidding” of the Ministry of Construction, where government investment (including investment in government shares and government guarantees are used abroad) (Land-borrowed investments): State-owned, collectively-owned entities and their holdings of investment, and projects invested by joint-stock companies controlled by state-owned and collectively-owned entities, except for projects involving national security, confidential projects, rescue and disaster relief, and other special projects, provinces, autonomous regions, and In addition to the minor projects below the quota prescribed by the People’s Government of the municipality directly under the Central Government, tenders must be implemented.