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  摘 要:任務型教学法已逐渐成为我国外语课堂教学的主要模式,它强调以学生为中心,以完成各种任务或活动为目标,发展学生综合运用语言进行交际的能力。本文就任务型教学法和交流型教学法做一简单比较。
  Abstract: Each pedagogic approach is described succinctly so you can quickly understand how the technique might be relevant to your teaching. Written by fellow educators, these descriptions include tips for effectively using each technique, related research on their impacts on learning, as well as a set of example activities.
  Key words: task-based approach;communicative approach
  Comparison between task-based approach and communicative approach
  1. Overview of teaching methodology
  Language teaching came into its own as a profession in the last century. Central to this phenomenon was the emergence of the concept of "methods" of language teaching. The method concept in language teaching-the notion of a systematic set of teaching practices based on a particular theory of language and language learning-is a powerful one, and the quest for better methods was a preoccupation of teachers and applied linguists throughout the 20th century. Howatt's (1984) overview documents the history of changes of practice in language teaching throughout history, bringing the chronology up through the Direct Method in the 20th century. One of the most lasting legacies of the Direct Method has been the notion of "method" itself.
  2. Comparison
  2.1. The assumption about second language teaching and the roles and learners
  Methodology in language teaching has been characterized in a variety of ways. A more or less classical formulation suggests that methodology is that which links theory and practice. Theory statements would include theories of what language is and how language is learned or, more specifically, theories of second language acquisition (SLA). Such theories are linked to various design features of language instruction.
  Task-based teaching approach, also called task-based learning, which was put forward in the 1980s, derives its idea from the process syllabus. It can be regarded as one particular approach to implement the broader "communicative approach". It is a teaching method that puts tasks at the center of the methodological focus. It considers the learning process as a set of communicative tasks that are directly linked to the curricular goals.
  The teacher sets up a situation that students are likely to encounter in real life. Unlike the task-based method of language teaching, which relies on repetition and drills, the communicative approach can leave students in suspense as to the outcome of a class exercise, which will vary according to their reactions and responses. The real-life simulations change from day to day. Students' motivation to learn comes from their desire to communicate in meaningful ways about meaningful topics. Its origins are many, insofar as one teaching methodology tends to influence the next. The communicative approach could be said to be the product of educators and linguists who had grown dissatisfied with the audio-lingual and grammar-translation methods of foreign language instruction.
  Teachers in communicative classrooms will find themselves talking less and listening more becoming active facilitators of their students' learning. The teacher sets up the exercise, but because the students' performance is the goal, the teacher must step back and observe, sometimes acting as referee or monitor. A classroom during a communicative activity is far from quiet, however. The students do most of the speaking, and frequently the scene of a classroom during a communicative exercise is active, with students leaving their seats to complete a task. Because of the increased responsibility to participate, students may find they gain confidence in using the target language in general. Students are more responsible managers of their own learning.
  2.2. The role of instructional activities
  These may several stages, include pre-task, task-cycle, language focus and language practice. The teacher introduces the topic and gives the students clear instructions on what they will have to do at the task stage and might help the students to recall some language that may be useful for the task. The pre-task stage can also often include playing a recording of people doing the task. This gives the students a clear model of what will be expected of them. The students can take notes and spend time preparing for the task. Students complete a task in pairs or groups using the language resources that they have as the teacher monitors and offers encouragement. Students prepare a short oral or written report to tell the class what happened during their task. In the intervening years, the communicative approach has been adapted to the elementary, middle, secondary, and post-secondary levels, and the underlying philosophy has spawned different teaching methods known under a variety of names, including notional-functional, teaching for proficiency, proficiency-based instruction, and communicative language teaching.
  3. Conclusion
   Within methodology a distinction is often made between methods and approaches, in which methods are held to be fixed teaching systems with prescribed techniques and practices, whereas approaches represent language teaching philosophies that can be interpreted and applied in a variety of different ways in the classroom. This distinction is probably most usefully seen as defining a continuum of entities ranging from highly prescribed methods to loosely described approaches. The future is always uncertain, and this is no less true in anticipating methodological directions in second language teaching than in any other field. Some current predictions assume the carrying on and refinement of current trends.
  [1] Adamson, B(1977). The English language curriculum since 1976. Plenary presentation at the National Foreign Language Teaching and Research Association, China Education Society, Ninth Annual Conference, Jinan,PRC(23 October 1977)
  [2]Alexander, R, Rose, J. Curriculum Organization and Classroom Practice in Primary School: A discussion paper. London: Department of Education and Science.
  作者簡介:徐彩霞 (1979.5-),女,汉族,山西太原人,山西财经大学经贸外语学院2009级研究生,研究方向:英语教育。
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摘要:在供电线路中的电力负荷大部分属于感性负荷,其中的运行需向设备提供相应之无功功率。本文主要简述了在供配电系统中无功功率的产生、功补偿的意义及补偿方式。笔者具有近三十五年的供电相关经验,对于无功功率及无功补偿有着自己独到的心得,本文即是根据几十年实践经验提出在变频器广泛使用的情况计算无功补偿容量应注意的问题。  关键词:供电线路 电力负荷 无功功率 无功补偿  在供电线路中的电力负荷如电动机、变
摘要:介绍热变电阻起动器的结构、主要特点及在东方铜业公司两台制氧压缩机上的应用。热变电阻起动器则克服了传统高压动器起动过程中阻抗值不可调,发热严重,能耗大,不能够连续起动的不足。利用先进液体电阻技术,专为改善大中型高压鼠笼式异步电动机的起动性能,延长高压设备使用寿命。  关键词:热变电阻;高压电机;起动器  0 前言  东方铜业公司有两套4000m3制氧设备,两台压缩机都是高压鼠笼式异步电动机:高
摘 要:课程设计是教学过程中的一个重要环节,通过课程设计环节,使学生能够将课本上的理论知识和实际应用较好的结合起来,运用所学的理论知识解决工程中所遇到的实际问题。本文以计算机操作系统课程设计改革为例,从课程设计改革的意义、课程设计教学中存在的问题、课程设计教学改进的思路和方法等方面提出个人看法,为提高和改革课程设计提供参考。  关键词:课程设计,教学,改革,实践  一、课程设计改革的意义  课程设